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"No no no, it's pronounced as no!" Rosé exclaims while narrowing her eyes towards Lisa who was staring up at her in confusion from the floor,

"Nor?" Lisa asks. Rosé stares at her for moment before placing her face into her hands. Jisoo chuckles and flops herself next to Rosé on the couch and pats the pink haired girls head,

"Babe, you do realize she can't tell with your australian accent right?" Jisoo asks. I giggle while handing Lisa, who was scratching her head with a sheepish smile, a glass of orange juice,

"Okay, lets focus on the task at hand alright?" I asked them as I sat myself next to Lisa. Lisa smiles at me and randomly kisses my forehead before whispering a thank you and begins to drink her juice. I smile at her with a light blush on my cheek and turn back to the girls on the couch,

"So, what do we got?" I ask. Rosé grabs her notebook from her bag and begins to flip pages,

"Well, I've been thinking of what Amphitrite told us," Rosé says. I lean forward and silently motioned for her to go on while casually leaning my side against Lisa who automatically draped her arm over my shoulder,

"I remember she said something had to be revealed, and I'm not talking about the riddle," she says. Jisoo scrunches her eyebrows together,

"I remember that too but what does she mean by that? She said something about a mind unlocking," she stated while looking down at Rosé's notes, and grinning seeing a mermaid sketch on the corner. Rosé sighs and combs her fingers through her hair in frustration,

"What does that even mean? Does she mean like, open your horizon?" Jisoo asks, mainly to herself. I reach up to intertwine my hand with Lisa's that was resting on my shoulder as I thought hard towards the Goddess words. What could Amphitrite possibly have meant?

"I don't necessarily think that's what she was referring to. Maybe she meant you had to gain something that will give you the potential to unlock your mind. But what is that something?" Rosé asks as she pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration. I let out a breath,

"Did she mean we have to gain knowledge? Maybe we have to learn something in order to grow the mind?" I ask. Jisoo purses her lips,

"It could literally be anything!" Jisoo exclaims while grabbing one of the Greek Mythology books and opening it up. Lisa finishes her drink before placing a short kiss on my lips and pulling away,

"I'll be back," She says while standing up and making her way towards the kitchen. I watch her walk with a wide smile on my face and turned back to face the duo who were smirking. I blink and drop my smile,

"What?" I ask. Rosé chuckles while shaking her head,

"You got it bad Jen," She teases. I roll my eyes while having a light blush spread through my cheeks,

"Whatever," I mumble out. I found no need or reason to deny that I'm smitten for that beautiful Siren.

Jisoo then looks over to where Lisa was and leans a little closer to me with a look full of concern and suspicion,

"But Jen, you need to talk to her," she says. I raise my eyebrow in surprise,

"What do you mean?" I ask. She looks at Rosé who was nodding at her and sending her a look. Jisoo then sighs while facing me,

"It's pretty clear that she's hiding something from us that can obviously help solve this situation. And don't you deny it," Jisoo says while sending a pointed look. I remain silent for a moment before letting out a breath of defeat and nodded my head,

"I know," I said. Rosé frowns,

"If she wants to stay human she has to tell us everything if we're going to help her in any way," she adds. I sigh while fiddling my fingers together on my lap,

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