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"Damn it Lisa! I'm not going to ask again! Keep your pants on or so help me I'll push you off that cliff myself!" I threaten loudly as I continued to chase her around the kitchen counter with pants in my hand.

For a girl who just barely figured out how to walk and run, she sure was fast.

She narrows her eyes and shakes her head,

"I don't want to!" She whines. I click my tongue in annoyance and continued to run after her around the counter.

We finally made it home after 2 hours of teaching her how to walk and trying to cover her naked body from strangers who were jogging by.

I was extremely mortified with the strange looks they were giving me that I had quickly carried her bridal style and sprinted towards my car. I was tired, I had a head ache and her flirtation and teasing as I carried her to my car wasn't helping.

Also, the fact that she refused to enter the car because she believed it was a sea monster really made my day more interesting. I would've laughed but her hitting my car door with a stick wasn't a joking manner.

And after forcing her into the car, strapping her down, and ignoring her yelling 'You sea witch! I refuse to be in the gut of this monster!' we finally made it home.

I had quickly given her an over sized shirt and sweats to cover up but apparently she didn't want anything to cover her legs so she kept taking it off every time I looked away for a second.

Who would've thought,

Jennie Kim, owner of a book store and an ex fiancé of a lawyer, was chasing a half naked woman, known to be an ex siren, in my kitchen.

What a way to start my day.

The "best" part about this was, I was also half naked.

Before I could even put on a shirt, I heard something breaking something in the kitchen. I rushed out with only a bra and shorts to only see Lisa taking a mug, staring at it and dropping it in the sink without a care in the world, WITH OUT her pants!

We both tiredly stop across from each other and kept the intense war eye contact as neither of us refused to give up. I take in a deep breath and sharpen my gaze,

"I'm going to say this once. Put. On. Your. Pants!" I demand. She rapidly shakes her head and tries to sprint out of the kitchen.

"Sea Witch be gone!!" She yells.  I groan in frustration but quickly ran after her down the hall way and leaped onto her back, causing us both to fall on the ground. She groans and flips over, with me straddling her waist and begins to hit me. I gasp and hissed and began to hit her back,

"Stop it you damn creature!" I yell out as I continued to slap her arms,

"Ow!" She hisses and slaps my body even harder causing me to hiss in return,

"Ow! Stop it!" I yell out. She shakes her head and continues her assault,

"No you stop!" She angrily replies and pinches my side causing me to gasp and pinch her back,

"No you!" I yell out again. And after hitting each other back and forth for a few more minutes, I had quickly took a hold of her wrist and pinned it to both sides of her head,

"Put on your pants!" I angrily demand. She shakes her head stubbornly and begins to struggle underneath me,

"Never! I curse your damn pants and it's family of pants!!" She yells out while sticking her tongue out in a childlike manner. I grit my teeth,

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