Special Chapter

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"Are you ready?" Lisa asks from behind. I look behind my shoulder while placing my last earring and smile,

"Almost," I said. I turn back around and reapplied my lipstick. Lisa chuckles,

"I don't get why you keep putting on lipstick when I'm just going to be wiping it off with my lips," She teases earning an eye roll from me,

"Shut up, I want to look nice for their wedding," I whine out with a little pout. Lisa laughs lightly while walking behind me and wrapping her arms around my waist and resting her chin on my shoulder. She smiles at me from the reflection,

"No matter what you do, you'll always be beautiful," She says while kissing the side of my neck. I smile softly while turning to face her,

"I love you," I say. She smiles at me and places a small kiss on my lips,

"I love you too," she mumbles against my lips. I laugh and pull away as she tried to deepen the kiss,

"Nah uh, you are not going to ruin my lipstick for fourth time today," I playfully scold. She pouts and turns me around. She places her hands on my waist as in locked my hands around her neck.

"Can't help it when you taste so delicious," she tease. I chuckle and smirk while placing my hands on the hair on the base of her neck with my fingers and leaning closer to her lips,

"Wait for tonight," I whisper before pulling away and smoothing out my dress. Lisa grins and smooths down the similar light pink bridesmaid dress as mine,

"Tease," She states before taking my hand and kissing my knuckles,

"How'd I get so lucky?" She asks causing a light blush to coat my cheeks. I giggle and pinch her cheek,

"Thank Aphrodite and Amphitrite."


"Do you Kim Jisoo, take Park Chaeyoung as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asks. Jisoo smiles wide and nods her head,

"Hell yeah I do," she excitedly says while squeezing the hands of Rosé. Everyone in the chapel laughs and applauds. I chuckle while looking across from me towards Lisa who was smiling widely towards the lovers. Lisa was Jisoos maid of honor while I was Rosé's.

Lisa and Jisoo surprisingly became best friends and did every ridiculous things together. Rosé and I called them the crackhead duo.

"And do you Park Chaeyoung, take Kim Jisoo as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest asks.

Feeling my eyes, Lisa turns to me and winks before mouthing 'I love you beautiful.' My smile widens with a quiet chuckle escaping my throat. I send a wink back and mouth, 'I love you too.' Rosé sniffles with a single tear falling from her eye,

"I do," She says. Jisoo smile widens with tears threatening to escape her eyes as she brought Rosé's hands to her lips and pacing a quick kiss on the back of her hand. The priest smiles and nods,

"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride," he says. Jisoo sighs in relief,

"Finally," She says before placing her hands on Rosé's petite waist and pulling her against her body. And in that same moment, Rosé has grabbed onto Jisoos neck and captured her lips causing everyone to cheer and clap in excitement.

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