Chapter 7 New Friend

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Reader's POV

It has been a couple weeks since I joined U.A. and I've gotten to now some people pretty well. My closest friends are probably Tsuyu, Jirou and Tokoyami. Tsuyu took it upon herself to introduce me to the rest of the girls. I have been learning guitar and Jirou knows how to play, so she said she would help me. The other girls are really nice too. Tokoyami and I occasionally talk, because we are both introverts and it's nice to talk to similar people.

After School

Third person POV

Y/N entered her house. Her mother welcomed her and told her to go to bed. Y/N obliged and went upstairs. She got ready to go to sleep when she heard the doorbell ring.
"Y/N?" Her mother called, "are you awake?"
Y/N stayed quiet, she didn't want to get in trouble as she knew she needed to be in bed by then. Her mother opened the door and let some people in. Y/N was a curious child, so she took a peek without them seeing her. There were three men. Y/N had seen them before, they were her mother's friends. She continued to watch in silence. Something didn't feel right. She had a gut feeling. The men went into the living room soon followed by Y/N's mother. Y/N snuck down a few stairs and listened very carefully.

"What did I tell you about ringing the doorbell? You could've woken Y/N!" Her mother hissed.
"Sorry," said one of the men. He had a deep gravelly voice.
"Whatever, let's just discuss," her mother said dismissively, "Y/N managed to get into a hero course,"
"What?" Asked another deep voice.
"She doesn't have a quirk!" Said another.
"She just got it now," her mother explained.
"Damn it," said voice one, "you have to convert her, she will be a valuable asset."
"I know, but her uncle keeps inspiring her, we need him to stop," her mother said.
"Hmm, just try to convince her right?" Said voice two.
"I'll try," said her mother.
"Anyway," continued voice one, "any news on your husband?"
"Yes, he texted me saying he should be back tomorrow. That's when you strike." Said her mother.
Y/N felt her heart sink.  Her breathing seemed to stop. Her eyes were pricked with tears.
"Yes and make sure you get some information from Aizawa, we can't have those kids becoming heroes." Said voice three.
They all got up. Y/N would be seen, so she rushed up the stairs and ran into her room, trying to make as little noise as possible.
"Y/N?" Her mother called.
Y/N ignored her, not wanting to be caught. She just lay in bed, pretending to sleep.
"It's fine, she's asleep," Y/N heard her mother say. They all left and her mother closed the door and went to her bedroom. Y/N couldn't do anything but cry quietly.

Y/N couldn't sleep, her mind was spinning. She lay there thinking and contemplating. Part of her wished she didn't hear what just happened, but another part of her felt like this was good. She sat up and checked the digital clock by her bedside. It was 3:00 AM. Y/N had to get out of there. She needed to tell someone, her father was in danger. She grabbed a backpack and stuffed a pillow in. She also grabbed her phone and earphones She snuck downstairs quietly. She entered the kitchen and grabbed some snacks. Y/N opened the door silently and left. She walked to U.A. in the darkness. She plugged her earphones into her phone and put on some music, using her phone as a torch. When she finally got there she sat outside the bench outside the U.A. gates. She placed the pillow down and lay on the bench. It was dark and terrifying, but Y/N just couldn't sleep in the same house as her mother. Y/N eventually fell asleep at 4:30

30 minutes later

Tokoyami's POV

I got up earlier than normal. It was around 5:00 AM so I tried to get back to sleep. I couldn't as my body was too awake, so I got up. I finished some extra homework that I haven't had time to do. When I finished, I got changed into my uniform. I was really bored then I had an idea. I would go on an early bike ride. I haven't had time to ride my bike for ages since we got the U.A. dorms. I walked out of the dorms quietly so I wouldn't wake anyone up.

I got to the bike shelter and unlocked my bike. It was a great bike and has served me well. A dark shadow emerged from my body.
"Ugh, why are you up so early?" Dark Shadow squealed.
"I couldn't sleep," I replied simply.
Dark Shadow groaned in protest but I ignored it. I entered the code to my bike lock and with a click it fell off. I grabbed the handles and wheeled the bike to the front gate.

When I got there, there was a lifeless figure lying on a bench. I thought it was a homeless person or a passed out drunk person. I got closer to inspect them, to see if they were dead or not. When I got closer I saw a familiar face.
"Y/N?" I asked out loud.

8 minutes later

Y/N told me everything she experienced. I felt bad for her. I sat down next to her while she spilled the fucking tea. She was really tired and was slurring her words.
"How much sleep have you gotten?" I asked her.
"About 30 minutes," she replied whilst looking at her phone clock. I shook my head disapprovingly.
"Come, I'll get you to Aizawa," I told her. I reached down for her bag and swung it onto my shoulder. I reached out a hand and she grasped it and I tugged her up.
"Sorry you have to deal with me," she sniffed. She wiped a year off her face. She grabbed the rest of her stuff and started to walk with me. There was a long awkward silence as she cried and sniffled.
"I'm sorry," I told her.
"It's not your fault," she said.
I nodded, though a bit confused.
She let out a loud sob and said, "We need to save my dad,"
"Yeah," I answered.

Once we got to the teacher's quarters we went to Aizawa's room. I knocked and waited. There was a loud thump and the door handle clicked to show it was unlocked. The door opened slowly and revealed a sleepy Aizawa. He had massive eye bags, like normal. In my head I thought that Y/N looked like Aizawa. Damn, if Todoroki saw this his head would be spinning. Except they are related. But she's not his secret love child.
"What's up, Tokoyami?" He asked groggily.
He looked over to Y/N and I swear I saw his eyes widen a tiny bit. He opened the door fully and moved aside to let her in.
"I'll go to my room," I said.
"No," Y/N said, "I want a friend with me,"
I blushed but I don't know how visible it was on my bird face. Aizawa nodded and let me in too. He sat us both down and let her vent. She told the whole story. He listened and nodded like a therapist or some shit, but a good therapist at least. He set up some blankets on a the floor and tried to make a comfortable area for Y/N to sleep on. She lay on it and rested, she has had a long night. Once Y/N fell asleep, Aizawa asked me about what I knew. Once I told him everything, he nodded knowingly and sent me on me on my way.

A shadow emerged from my body.
"What now?" Dark Shadow squeaked.
"It's never too late to clear your mind with a cycle," I said.

Start of School

Reader's POV

I woke up in Aizawa's room to the sound of music. It must of been his alarm. I groaned and tried to get up but my body wouldn't let me. I reached up to rub my eyes and opened them slowly. My flimsy arms pushed my body up and I looked around. I vaguely remember Aizawa rolling out the door before my arms gave way and I fell back into "bed". My eyelids were still heavy and soon I couldn't hold them up anymore. They shut quickly and I dozed off.

2 hours later

I awoke again, but this time to sun shining right into my eye. I opened them and got up. I felt less weak and tired. I stood up and looked around for my bag. I packed my uniform in it so I put it on. I opened the door and tried to find my way out of the teacher's quarters. Since school started, there wasn't anybody around. I kept walking in a general direction, but kept getting lost. Eventually I made my way out and started heading to the classroom.

When I got to the door, I reached out my hand to knock on the class door. For some reason, I felt a pit form in my stomach as I placed my hand on the door handle. Would they judge me?
People would want to know what happened. It was going to be so embarrassing with everyone questioning me. I realised that I would prefer to be alone for that day. Just when I turned to walk away, I heard the door open.
"Y/N?" Someone asked. Shit

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