Chapter 10 Rescue Mission

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Y/N's mother's quirk is simple. She can pause small solid objects within a certain radius to her. For example, if someone threw a small rock at her, she could stop it whenever it got too close to her. This does not work on humans.

Reader's POV

Aizawa turned around. When he saw my mother his scarf shot out instantly. My mother dove to the side. She landed on her feet and crouched down to avoid the scarf again. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a knife.

"Sorry, Aizawa, but you made me do this," my mother said.

Aizawa scowled and used his quirk on her.

"Stay back," he told us.

I looked back and saw my dad. "Aizawa he's here!" I hissed.

I saw a group of men in suits approaching him. My mother was about 5 yards away. Then she suddenly charged at us. Aizawa's scarf shot out at her but she used her quirk to stop it, inches from her.

"Aizawa, we need to do something!"

Suddenly someone yelled out. It was Kirishima, charging at my mother. He grabbed the arm that was holding the knife and they struggled for a bit.

"GO HELP Y/N'S DAD!!" Kirishima yelled at the rest of the class, "ME AND AIZAWA HAVE GOT THIS!"

We were frozen in shock, wondering what to do. Kirishima used his quirk to give him more strength and started pushing her over. Aizawa scarf was still stuck so he tried to erase my mother's quirk. My mother turned Kirishima in front of her and Kirishima's quirk got erased instead. My mother pushed him off her and raised the knife. Kirishima started to back away but my mother managed to cut his cheek. He stumbled back clutching his face.

"OKAY THAT'S IT!" Bakugou yelled.

He leapt towards my mother, sparks in his hands.

"Y/N, let's distract the men!" Jirou called to me.

I quickly turned back to my dad. The men were talking to him, but were surrounding him. The other pros suddenly rushed out, unsure what to do as Aizawa was no where to be seen. They just continued with the fake villain attack. Jirou  climbed over the wall and used her quirk to deafen the men in suits. I put my hand over the wall and used my quirk. I shone the lights into their eyes as much as possible. They covered their eyes and ears, but did not move from their position. My father was covering his ears in the middle of all the men whilst trying to get out to help defeat the fake villain. Midoriya jumped over the wall and started attacking the men. Todoroki followed suit and used his ice to trap a few.

"Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, help me get Y/N's dad out of there!" Iida commanded.

They all jumped the wall and started running for my dad. I started to climb over the wall when I heard someone call my name. I looked down and saw my mother charging at me, knife at the ready. Aizawa was racing after her, Kirishima and Bakugou too. I panicked and threw myself over the wall. I landed on my back with an "oof,".

I then heard, "DIE!" and a few explosions from the other side of the wall. I looked over to see Jirou running towards me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I just nodded and looked over to all the commotion. The fake villain attack was still happening. Most of the real villains had brought out weapons and used their quirks to fight back at Midoriya and Todoroki. Iida was trying to wrestle my dad to leave the scene, but my dad wanted to help with the attack. Yaoyorozu was fighting a villain and Tokoyami was using dark shadow to protect my dad from stray bullets and anything that could harm him. Jirou ran in the general direction of Yaoyorozu, probably to help her.

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