Chapter 14 Dear Mother

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Third Person POV

Ectoplasm used a clone to turn on the lights, giving the group a full view of L/N's attacker. L/N's eyes widened with shock at his statement.

"M-my mother?" L/N asked again.

The man in the suit just continued cackling. The group all looked at eachother in concern.

"That's too bad, I'm afraid you can't take her now," Tokoyami growled at the suited man.

The man laughed again and wiped a faux tear from his eye with his free arm.

"Oh," he sighed, "how naïve,"

Suddenly, part of the black concrete wall came forward in a pillar. The pillar hit the back of Tetsutetsu's head, knocking him to the ground.

"Shit!" Monoma hissed and quickly touched Tetsutetsu's arm.

Another pillar came forward, and destroyed three of Ectoplasm's clones.  A smaller shot forward, but Kendou managed the smack it away.  A thin pillar shot out and L/N barely dodged it, but then it curled back around and wrapped itself around L/N's waist. It began to draw L/N out of the school.

Tokoyami POV

Every time a new pillar appeared, I noticed that a gap at the near the top of the concrete would appear. It would seem that whoever's quirk it was only had a set amount of concrete. A loud screech dragged me from my thoughts. I glanced over and saw L/N flailing her arms about and trying to escape a concrete pillar wrapped around her waist. She was being dragged away at an alarming speed.

I quickly sprinted forward and reached my hand out for her to grab. Her palm fell into mine and I wrapped my hand tightly around her's. I used my other hand to grab her wrist, and with all my weight, I started pulling her back.

"Don't worry!" I called to her over the sound of yelling from the rest of the group, "I've got yo-"

I felt something ram into the back of my head. All I saw was white for a moment, and when I started seeing clearly, I was lying on the floor and
L/N was being dragged out of the concrete wall.

It's not too late, she can still be saved, I thought to myself, I need a plan.

Thinking in my feet, I yelled to Kendou, "Grab a pillar, be certain it doesn't merge back into the wall!"

She gave me a questioning look before doing as she as told. Her large hands wrapped around the pillar, and she used all her weight to pull it back.

"Monoma, Tetsutetsu, come with me!" I called.

The boys followed me to the wall. I pointed to a metre wide gap in the concrete wall that was quite high up.

"The person who controls this quirk only had a set amount of concrete," I explained to them, "Do you think you could break through that gap in the wall?"

"Sure can, bro!" Tetsutetsu grinned.

"Yes, but how will we get up there?" Monoma pointed out.

Without a word, I commanded Dark Shadow to lift them up into the air. Tetsutetsu gave me a thumbs up, before ripping at the wall. I glanced up and he had a wide smile on his face.


Tokoyami glanced back at Ectoplasm and Kendou.

"Mr. Ectoplasm, please use your clones to hold the pillar," Tokoyami indicated to the pillar that Kendou was gripping.

Ectoplasm nodded and made many clones. Kendou walked over to Tokoyami.

"Great plan," Kendou complimented Tokoyami, "Can you lift me up to the hole so I can help?"

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