Chapter 13 The Attack

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Reader's POV

Blaring alarms woke me up with a start. I frantically looked around before my eyes landed on Tokoyami- he was carrying me. His eyes met mine and he quickly looked away.

He put me down before saying, "I don't know the cause of the alarms,"

"We should probably find someone, right?" I ask.

"Yes, I agree," Tokoyami replied.

We started walking around, before the light from the window was obscured.

"What the fu-" I trailed off while turning to face the windows.

Something black surrounded the whole building, blocking all of the sunlight. Tokoyami quickly ran to the lightswitch and turned the lights on.

"I can't control my quirk in the dark," Tokoyami explained.

I walked over to the door and tried to push the door open, but the black substance blocked the way.

"We- we're stuck!" I exclaimed.

Tokoyami quickly started walking over. He tried to use Dark Shadow to open the door, but with no luck. He grimaced and broke through one of the windows with Dark Shadow. He reached out of the shattered window to touch the black substance.

"Careful!" I warned him.

He placed his hand on the black thing, his eyes widening a bit.

"It's rock solid," He said, "almost like concrete,"

"That has to be someone's quirk!" I realised.

"It's almost unbreakable," Tokoyami told me.

Dark Shadow immediately started ramming into the black concrete, trying to break it.

"I can't break through!" Dark Shadow whined.

Footsteps drew the pair out of their thoughts. They quickly turned around and saw Monoma, followed by Tetsutetsu and Kendou.

"Where's the rest of your class?" I asked them.

"They were heading to the running track! He wanted us to grab some stopwatches to time people!" Tetsutetsu explained, dropping many stopwatches from his arms.

"What is that?" Kendou asked, pointing to the black concrete.

"We don't know, but it's trapping us in here," Tokoyami explained.

"Tch, it's because you guys don't have strong enough quirks to break through!" Monoma scoffed.

Monoma touched Tetsutetsu's arm, before heading to the broken window. He turned his and into metal before punching the concrete. He made a noise of confusion as he didn't even dent it. He punched it again and again and again, not even having an effect to the concrete. He started picking with both arms, beginning to panic. The concrete started bubbling and moving. Suddenly, a pillar of the black concrete came out from the wall, hitting Monoma. Monoma flew back but Kendou managed to catch him with a massive hand before he hit the wall.

"Holy shit!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

"We're trapped!" Monoma yelled.

"I thought we already established that," Tokoyami said.

"Let's go find a teacher!" I told everyone.

The group immediately started walking around the school.

"Where even is everyone?" Questioned Kendou.

They had been walking around the school for a while now, yet they still hadn't found anyone. Eventually they bumped into a teacher at the end of a dimly lit corridor. It was Ectoplasm.

"Mr. Ectoplasm sir?" I asked, "Do you know what's happening?"

"Yes, I'm sure it is a villain attack. Stay on guard. Those with a hero licence stay on guard," Ectoplasm replied.

Suddenly, the alarms started to get slower and deeper before coming to a stop.

"What the shi-" Monoma began, but he was cut off by a click.

The light at the other end of the corridor cut out. Followed by the one in front, then the next. They all began turning off in order until it finally came to the one on top of the group. It sparked and exploded until turning off. Everyone was stuck in the pitch black.

"Revelry in the dark," Tokoyami muttered to himself.

"What?" Tetsutetsu questioned.

A bright light suddenly shone through a gap in the concrete from a nearby window, but as quickly as it came, it closed.

"What just happened?" I asked.

"I don't know," Ectoplasm admitted.

"What if somebody came in?" Monoma whined, "They could be-"

Monoma suddenly let out a cry of pain.

"Monoma?" Kendou called out.

Third Person POV

Kendou felt a fist hit her stomach. She was thrown back into a wall.

"There's someone here!" Kendou warned the others.

Thinking fast, L/N emitted sunlight from her hands. She looked around before a kick to her head knocked her down.

"L/N, are you okay?" Tokoyami asked.

L/N let out a groan before trying to get up. She felt someone run into her. They fell on top of her and both people cried out.

"Sorry L/N!" Kendou apologized.

Suddenly Tokoyami let out a grunt. He felt a kick land on his chest.

Before the group knew it, it turned into chaos. Everyone was hitting eachother trying to hit the person who attacked them. L/N felt something be shoved into her hands and a hand covering her mouth. She began to get dragged away.

Shit, She thought.

She tried to break free, but to no avail.  She tried to make a sun ray, but whatever was covering her hands stopped her. Thinking fast, she bit the hand covering her mouth. The hand quickly removed itself from L/N's mouth.

"HELP!" L/N yelled to the others.

"I...can't c-control it anymore!" Tokoyami cried out.

Dark Shadow erupted from Tokoyami like lava. He engulfed the corridor. Dark Shadow started to throw everyone around.


I felt something grip around my torso. It gave a sharp tug and threw me away, out of the corridor. I came in contact with a wall and slid down to the ground. I winced and shakily stood up.

"Tokoyami?" I called out, "What's wrong?"

"T-TOO DARK! CAN'T T.. TAME D-DARK SHADOW!" Tokoyami strained.

"Shit," I muttered to myself.

I reached my hand out towards all the chaos and felt the heat of the sun rays shoot out. The light made it so I could see the entire scene. Dark Shadow was spilling out of the corridor, holding two of Ectoplasm's clones and throwing them about. Kendou was helping Monoma up and Tetsutetsu seemed to be restraining someone.

I aimed my sun rays at Dark Shadow's face. He became smaller and smaller and eventually came down to a controllable size.

"Thank you," Tokoyami said to me.

"You're welcome," I replied.

"GUYS, I GOT SOMEONE!" Tetsutetsu yelled to us.

We all gathered around the figure that Tetsutetsu was pinning down. He wore a suit and sunglasses. I shined my sun rays to give us light.

"What are you here for?" Ectoplasm asked the man.

The man just began laughing.

"Y/N," the man cackled maniacally.

I met Tokoyami's eyes, and we shared a look of concern. He looked back down at the man.

"Who has sent you?" He questioned.

"Y/N's mother,"

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