•Chapter 1•

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Warning: Harsh Language
"you're a model, slash model."

   I'm a model, huh? You smiled to yourself as you continued forward, looking at the big statues and clean, tidy, proportional surroundings. I can't wait to go to the big world! Was your first thought, until you realize everyone around you is gawking at you. Pure amazement are on their faces, i tell you. You flinch back in confusion. Is there something on my face?  You checked your face, checking if everything's alright. Nothing..

   You shrug it off as you continue exploring the area. The place seems so..Boring. And dull. As you continue to study the gray area, you felt your shoe bumping into a small object on the ground, causing it to roll a little farther away from you.

   You look down to see a small lipstick on the ground. Whose is this?  You thought and looked around. No one seems to be looking for anything, so you keep it in your pocket, because why not.

   "Who's Lou?" you hear someone say in the background. You turn around and saw three girls looking at a boy who appears to be the one that asked the said question. The three girls seemed so stupefied by such question. Lou?? Now that i think of it, everyone i walked by mentioned his name.
And so the conversation went on.

"who's Lou? Were you born yesterday?!"

"...Umm, Yes?"

"look. Listen. And learn."
The three girls synchronized and the whole area somehow, suddenly got dark. A spotlight then dawned on a doll. The crowd began to cheer his name as lasers, beams, and Sparks booms out on the stage.

   (y/n) watched and tries to make out his face, but he was too far to be evident. So she tries to make her way to the front of the stage. For some reason they all glady make way for you to walk to the front, well, more specifically after seeing your face. At this point you had guessed you're absolutely attractive. Well duh, you're a model. You say to yourself.

   The boy starts to sing, and your heart pounds hearing his raspy voice. Damn, he sure can sing. You see his face better now, and now you understand why everyone is so crazy for him. People around you start fainting, and there's just so much things happening. His bright blue eyes and golden hair glows under the spotlight and oh that smile..

   You can go on and on talking about only his face, but wait until you hear the things he had been saying. He kept insulting almost every doll he walks by and telling them they're gross, ugly, and basically everything else a narcissistic asshole would say. Well that's just plain rude. A guy like him does not deserve all this attention and support. What are these people doing!?

   You've had enough of the insults and the lyrics. So you walked to the back, away from the stage. When suddenly you bumped into someone, accidentally causing them to fall over. You felt something fell out of your pocket.

   "Wait!!", You hear Lou's voice call out and the spotlight suddenly points at you. You turned around, flustered. "I-I'm so sorry!" you say and offered your hand to the doll you knocked.

   "Oh no.. Now what have you done, dollface?" the blondie on the stage asked, sounding disappointed. Now everyone was staring at you. The boy you knocked slaps away your hand and stood away from you.
"I'm..sorry?" you apologized again. "You know, sorry doesn't really work around here. And I'm surprised a pretty doll like you didn't know that." Lou raised an eyebrow, lowering his head at you in amusement.

   "I'm..New." you mumble bitterly. Though you were nervous, you were also very annoyed. Deep down you really wanna say some witty and sassy comments at him. He lifted his head and parted his lips. "Ah.. I see." He then walked down the stage, every doll immediately makes way for him, as if he's royalty. "And may I have your name?.." He leans towards you, now only inches between your faces. With his hands on his back he smiles.


"(y/n)." you say in a cold tone.
"well, (y/n).. I'll let this one slide. A kind-hearted guy like me just Can't just give punishments without giving a second chance to a doll like you."

You swear, you just wanna punch those perfect teeth out.

"hey! I-"
"but!..(y/n).. I'm gonna have to ask you to visit me in my office later for a little..Chat. Got that princess?" He then left without giving me a chance to answer. And everyone around you whispered to each other, while some are drooling at the sight of Lou.

Gosh..First day and already so much trouble.

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