•Chapter 20•

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The spy girls looked at each other. They knew that they were stronger and smarter than they seem. After years of teamwork to get done whatever Lou asks them, to help him not get his hands dirty, it had trained them to work effectively as a team. And they've always gotten what they want.

They all looked at each other knowingly.

They're not going to cut you OR Lou any slack. They'll embarrass the both of you. As bad as they could. They would not let you pass.




The door waa open. Everyone rushed in the first room,silence greeting them.

Of course, your first instinct is to scan and look around the area. Being careful not to run into some kind of danger or threat.

You ran before the uglydolls up to the doorway. And saw a robot dog drifted its feet into the room, jumping over panicking dolls. "HEY! I got some food for ya~!" You heard Kitty said before she pushed Nolan harshly towards the dog. Its ears perked up and jumped over picked Nolan up in its mouth. Wobbling it around like a machine. Well, it kind of is a machine.

Everyone gasped and the spy girls giggled.

"NOLAN!!!" Mandy shouted, and ran to it before Lou grabbed her wrist, looking straight ahead at the dog. "Don't, it won't let him go until..-"

"You call that a dog??" A short, blue, one-eyed doll said. And everyone stood quiet to see what he was about to do.

"Don't worry guys, slick dog's got this." He said smugly before bringing out all his best dance moves with sunglasses out of nowhere. The robo-dog seemed to be allured as its eyes dilated and fixated on the doll.

You smiled as the dog stopped wiggling Nolan around and didn't chew on him. Though it was still holding him in its mouth. "Go, go!! I'll distract it!!" Slick dog said, "Yeah, just go! I'll catch up, the clock is ticking!!" Nolan added and gestured you and the rest to leave.

You and Mandy looked to him and nodded. And you wished them both luck as you all left.

You felt bad for leaving one of your best friend behind...Until the uglydolls cheered and immediately run around the room.

You watched them, and felt their excitement
while you smile to yourself. 'Thinking and calculating the route and obstacles would be predictable. I should think put of the box. Which path would be obstacle-free?.. Maybe I
should loosen up a bit, too.' you think to
yourself and go for a run, jumping to the railing to slide down.

Your friends noticed yourand Lou caught up behind you, not wanting to lose. The ones left behindwas the spy girls, of course. Too busy looking for something to stop you.

Kitty immediately ran after you and Mandy while Tuesday and Lydia ran down the stairs to make sure they keep you in within their area. As if keeping you caged in between the three.

Mandy were right behind you, they were all aware of this. They're plotting something.

When you jumped down first, you saw on your right, a vacuum cleaner, ready to suck you in. But two other dolls was already at the bottom of the stairs just like you. Stood behind you was tuesday and Lydia, they were both about to push you in the vacuum cleaner.

"I don't think so!" Mandy, who had just jumped down from the railing, pushed you away to get herself pushed into the vacuum instead of you. "Go, (y/n)!!! Don't let them stop you!" She shouted as she got sucked in.

"M-mandy!?" You called, before turning back to find Tuesday and Lydia. But they were gone already. Lou saw what had happened, when he looked back at the noisiness.
"Oh no." He mumbled.

"Ugh! How do i!-" you struggled to open up the vacuum, "(y/n)! We can't pry it open with our own hands. I know who can help." Lou said, and you saw a tall, grey doll with yellow eyes stand beside him.

"Leave it up to Babo!" He said and ran to the vacuum machine. "Go ahead!" Babo said to you and Lou. Lou smiled to the doll and gave him a quick salute.

"I knew I could count on you, bud." Lou smirked and grabbed your hand, running.

"Don't worry, the plan is still working." He reassured you while the two of you ran through the kitchen.

Suddenly, from the right above, kitty and Tuesday were pouring flour on the floor while Lydia on the left threw liquid soap and stuff all over the floor. It drenched your clothes and as well as Lou's.

You groaned in disgust. Your fury taking over.

"I AM NOT GONNA GIVE UP! I SWEAR I'M GOING TO WIN!!" you shout at them, before Lou clenched on your hand, smiling at you to reassure you.

"Even when shouting and covered with flour or soap, you still look so beautiful." He suddenly said.

You gasped, and you knew everyone who were watching the two of you through the giant tv in the stadium gasped with you.

Your face went tomato red and complained, "Lou! N-now's isn't the time!" You hit his arm and he laughs, the three girls watching from the top rolled their eyes and walked out the kitchen.

You two followed them quickly while slipping over the mess. Finally, you got yourself out from that sticky situation.

But outside, you heard a noise coming from your right.

Whatever it is.. it's fast.. and it's coming at your direction.

"Let's see if you can still flirt after this!!" From afar, Tuesday laughed viciously,

driving a toy scooper down the hallway towards the two of you.

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