•Chapter 17•

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Art by moi
Warning:  curses

(Y/N) waved goodbye to Mandy and Nolan before heading to her house to rest. They had finally convinced her to get some rest and take some time to herself for a few minutes. And that's exactly what they needed. For they had a plan to make everything better for their dear friend.

At first Mandy and Nolan were hesitant. But they visited Lou to invite him in with the plan, and so they stood in front of Lou's house and knocked on the door before the said doll revealed himself in the gap between. Lou was also hesitant at first but finally agreed, since he knows that they are good friends of (y/n) therefore can be trusted. He himself has been coming up with his own plan too. Maybe they can share ideas and create an even better plan. "Please, come in. Let's have some tea." He invited them in

The two dolls looked at each other before taking a step inside. Nolan looked around in awe, which Mandy had to guide him so he wouldn't bump into anything. "Whoa...Nice place you got here.." he said. Mandy giggled at Nolan's statement, shaking her head a bit. "T-thank you for having us, Lou..." Mandy said, looking at the blonde doll. Lou shook his head, "No no.. The pleasure is mine. Thanks for giving me a chance to discuss this..Situation." He gave a slight smile, it seems that he hasn't warmed up to them yet, though he isn't treating them like dirt at all.. which is a huge improvement.

"Well- I'll prepare some tea and I'll be right back." He nodded a bit and walked to the kitchen. Mandy watched him walk away before looking at Nolan. "You really think we're doing the right thing? I just want everything to turn out right, (Y/N) doesn't deserve this treatment and the deserves to be happy. " She said. Mandy really wanted things to turn out right for (y/n) and if this doesn't go well, things could become worse.

Nolan held her shoulders with determination, "Mandy, we need all the help we can get. Plus, you know we can trust him. I'm pretty sure they're in love or something." He chuckled knowingly, reassuring her. Mandy looked up at him and smiled softly. "Thanks Nolan, you really are a great friend." She said hugging him softly.

Lou then walked with three cups of tea served on a wooden board, "here you go, have a seat." He placed it on the table in the living room while motioning them to sit across him. Mandy looked at Lou and smiled at him, "thank you." She said before taking a seat. Nolan sitting next to her.

Lou smiled and sighed, "So.. I've been coming up with a plan.." he rolls up his sleeves and stared at them both intensely.

Time skip

You took a relaxing day at your house, and you decided to take a long nap like your friends had requested. And it was the best idea they offered because you were sleeping so peacefully and when you woke up, you felt completely refreshed. "Man, I gotta do that more often." You said to yourself as you stretched a bit. You then stayed and laid in your bed, staring at the ceiling for a while, when you heard a knock on your window. You stood up to see a familiar handsome as ever blondie waving at you from outside. "Hey, care to let me in?" He whispered, since it was in the middle of the night. You stared at him, a but sleepy before rubbing your eyes to make sure you were actually seeing thing correctly. You chuckled softly at him. "It's a little early for a cup of tea at this time, Lou.. but alright." You chuckled before opening the window more for him. "I'm too lazy to go open the door.." you said, smiling. "I don't mind, in fact it's better this way, actually." He chuckled, "no one would see me." He then climbed inside and brushed off his outfit. He then stood in front of you, staring into your eyes with affection and a warm smile plastered on his face. "I've missed you.."

You smiled, blushing at his words, and the look in his eyes. You played with a piece of your hair, feeling your heart beat faster. "I've.. missed you too...." You said before looking up and, locking eyes with him. Both of you stayed still, just enjoying each other's presence and getting lost in each other's eyes. You then broke away, clearing your throat. "S-so... What brings you here?" You asked.

He rubs the back of his neck and chuckled in embarrassment, "I just wanted to see you... and uh, I know you've been stressed out lately because of the circumstances right now.. and I just wanna tell you that everything is gonna be just fine. Me and your friends came up with a plan to end this once and for all." He grinned, reassuring you.

You smiled at him saying he wanted to see you again. It made you happy to know he liked your company and such. You giggled, "Aw, you're so sweet to worry about me. " You said before hearing that he and your friends had come up with a plan. "My friends? Mandy and Nolan? You guys made a plan? Together? Without killing each other?" You joked, finding it hard to believe while crossing your arms with a smile on your face.

He blushed and laughed a bit, "yeah, I've changed alot, trust me." He then pats you in the head, "You changed me, (y/n).... Uh, i-in a good way, of course!" He stated, shrugging awkwardly. You giggled and removed his hand gently from your head, "you really like patting me on the head, don't you?" You teased. "And I didn't really change you, you know.. you did that by yourself." You smiled at him.

He smirked, rolling his eyes, "you know what I mean. I used to be a self absorbed asshole. Until you scooted your way into my life." He placed a hand on your cheek, "I wanna thank you for that." He said as he kissed you on the forehead. "And I'm proud of you for that.." you blushed, before he crossed his arms sassily, "but don't give yourself too much credit cause' I did most of the work." He smirked at himself proudly. And you shoved him playfully. "Oh shut up and turn your ego off for a second!" You laughed softly.

It was really satisfying to finally be able to talk to him in person..

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