•Chapter 13•

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Warnings = long chapter
It was on the next day, You had woken up bright and early as usual. Sigh, another day spent in classes.

The gauntlet had been postponed, due to the ugly dolls' visit the other day. With a groan, you got out of bed, changed and eat breakfast. Right after that you walked straight the the place where class was usually held by Lou.

The strange thing was, everyone kept looking at you and not in a nice way. Some glared, making disgusted looks and some smiled at you in a mocking way.

What is going on?

you thought to yourself and decided to go find Mandy and Nolan. The two of them saw you and already knew what you were about to ask, and so Mandy answered before you asked.
"(Y/n)! Someone has been spreading rumors that you and Lou are dating!- they're saying that you're just flirting and getting close to him so that he would give you good grades and you would get a lot of attention from this! UGH! I can't believe them- whoever did this!"Mandy sighed frustratedly while Nolan look at you sympathetically.

You stared at them and disbelief for a while. "What? But that's not true, we are not dating. And why would I even use him like that? It's ridiculous. Lou is smarter than that, anyways." you said as you cross your arms, then an idea popped in your head.


"Of course! This is Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia's doing. When I came back from Lou's place after our conversation, and out of nowhere they confronted me about this stupid picture some random doll took of us and then they started accusing me of dating Lou."you said, rolling your eyes. "honestly, those girls will do anything to get anyone away from their precious Lou."

Nolan nodded and said "That might be true, but I know you can fix this mess, (y/n)! you always do." He smiled and right after that, Lou walk in the class, stopping everyone from whatever they're doing. "Good morning, everyone." He greeted, his voice sounding a bit more serious and less showman-ish if you know what I mean. Honestly- it makes him look so mysterious and enticing and ho-

"I hope everyone's doing well and not doing anything..bad." he glared around the room. Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia looked at each other, worries that he had figured out about the rumors and who started them.

Yet.. he didn't mention a single word related to any rumors or anything. She just went on with the training, like usual. The spy girls showed signs of relief. Though, you can feel that there is something that's bothering Lou.

You noticed something wrong with the male, but you figured it would be better if you talked to him after class. But then again, with all the rumors and crap going around, that would give people the wrong idea yet AGAIN. You shrugged as you push your thoughts away and payed attention to the class instead.

The bell rings and Loi immediately looks straight at you, causing your heart to race. "Class dismissed today. I hope you all learned something useful for the finale." You looked back at him, twirling your pencil in your hand, and nodding your head as you watched the other dolls leave the class.

Mandy and Nolan told you that they will be going first, knowing that you wanted to talk to Lou.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. You should never have gotten this close to me. I knew people will start to get suspicious and jealous over time."he rubs his arm.

You shrugged lightly, smiling at him. "Nah, don't worry about it. It's not your fault, it's stupid Kitty and her friends' fault.they got jealous of us spending more time together so they started spreading rumors of us dating and using you for stuff. But honestly, that's the stupidest lie you could ever come up with. You're way too smart to be used." you said, rubbing your arms.

His eyes lit up and he blushed,"well, I didn't want to mention it in class because I didn't want to bring more attention to this matter. But maybe I should have. I did not know the rumors were this bad." Lou tilted his head to the side, then he frowned. "I should have known it was those three girls." You smiled at him before frowning too. "Easy Lou, don't get so upset. I can deal with them later, okay?"you said as you started to walk away. "Also, I would watch out for Tuesday if I were you, she's CRAZY about you." You chuckled.

Lou smiled, placing his hand on top of your head, "don't worry, I'm already crazy about someone else." You smiled at him, a bit flushed. You ignored and pretend you didn't hear that last part, since you didn't really want to think about your feelings at the moment.

"I should talk to them. They would probably listen to me." He said, bowing his head a little before turning around to leave. You laughed has he brought his head at you, returning the gesture before walking away to catch up with Mandy and Nolan.

Hopefully him talking to them will cause all this stupidness to die down.

You walked out, hoping to find Mandy and Nolan. You ignore the comments and looks other dolls give you, as you walk around the institute. As you were trying your best to ignored the judging looks from the dolls around her, something else happened, and it wasn't something pleasant. It was the spy girls. Kitty have put out her toe just far enough to get you to trip and fall face first to the ground. Then everyone started laughing.

It was absolutely terrifying.

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