Alpha dog - part 1

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Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III was an alpha, the most dominant one you would ever meet. He had omegas and even betas wanting to be his submissive and for him to mate with them. Pete was known for his long string of lovers and his very peculiar lifestyle.

Pete was also a business man, he offered things and got offered back. He inherited Decaydance off his father when he passed and he sworn to accomplish the mission his dad had set, which was to join with another companies who goes by the name of Urielectric.

And that's where he is now, sitting on the hard leather chair of the boss' main office with Mr Urie himself sitting across from him with a large grin on his face.

The man was also an alpha but not as dominant as pete. However with the height difference and the man looking rather evil and cruel, even pete felt a little threatened by him.

"I wish for is to be allies in the marketing business" the sinister man spoke.

He had the type of demeanour that screamed mess with me and I will ruin your life pete felt uneasy when in the presence of the man.

"What do you offer for this to work?" Pete spoke rather confidently.

"I have a proposal. That is if you'd take it"

Pete looked rather intrigued with the mans offer, he was quite curious as to what Mr Urie had to offer.

"I'm listening"

The smile widened on Mr Uries face as he clicked his fingers and two tall muscular men came in dragging a smaller person in between them. Pete had to hold in a gasp when they dropped the person on the floor and made him go into a kneeling position. They were wearing a black silk dress that contrasted well with their pale skin. They had strawberry blonde hair but pete couldn't see a face considering the person was facing the ground.

Now pete maybe into sadomasochism but he felt like punching them all for the treatment of this human being and taking the person away from this place he has spent god knows how long in. Pete let out a shaky breath and nearly moaned when he caught the scent of the person. And fuck they were an omega in heat. Pete could feel his trousers getting tighter with every breath he took.

They smelt so sweet like strawberries and cotton candy that made petes mouth water. His pupils were blown and lust clouded his eyes. Mr Urie let out a laugh and pete turned towards him.

"This is my offer. Because I know you like to fuck and dump. So I got you an omega"

Pete eyes snapped off of the omegas to glare at the man, how dare he think that pete would do such a thing for an alliance between business'. His eyes then snapped back to the omega when he heard whimpering an he saw his shoulders shaking. The two men looked annoyed and kicked the omega in his side. He let out a yelp as he fell to his side an was instantly pulled up back into the kneeling position.

Pete held in a growl.

"He's a virgin and fresh in heat. He will be very tight which I know you like"

Pete kept looking at the omega then at Mr Urie. He couldn't take the omega for an alliance but he couldn't leave him here. Plus his dad spent his life's work trying to gain an alliance with the two companies.

"I'll take him" pete finalised and the mans smile widened.

He heard the omega let out a cry and he felt guilty. Pete looked at him in sympathy and got to his knees aswell, hooking a hand under the omegas chin to tilt his he's up so he could get a better look at him.

His breath hitched when two innocent baby blue eyes were staring back at him.
The omega was beautiful, he only looked about 18. Rather too innocent to be here in this position, pete wondered how they got him here then he had to calm his anger when his thoughts consumed him.

"If you would kindly sight this paper" the man said holding a paper next to pete as well as a pen.

Pete read over the paper for any faults that he could possibly loose his company over and when he found none he gratefully signed the paper.

"The omega is all yours" he smiled falsely before walking away,

Pete looked at the omega and saw tears the the boys eyes. His felt his heart wrench at the sight and stood up, pulling the omega with him. He stood on shaky legs and used pete as a support. He was shaking viciously and looked scared of the taller alpha.

"What's your name?"

"P... Pa... Patrick" the omega stuttered, and fuck his voice sounds like an angels choir.

"I'm going to take you to my house now ok?"

The omega nodded and pete carefully lifted him up bridal style, the omega let out a squeal and started shaking more. Pete erasures the omega that he was safe and he will be looked after when pete gets him home.

Pete managed to get so far before the omega started crying and begging to go back. The alpha only embraced him in a hug and whispered sweet nothings in his ear and soothingly stroked the omegas hair, lulling the small human to sleep.

He managed to get home and place the omega in his bed cursing Mr Urie for what he had done to this omega.

He fücked him up real bad.

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