Alpha dog - part 4

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Pete decided to take patrick shopping for clothes after they were well fed and rested. Patrick most of all.
The omega was surprisingly calm when taken into civilisation, however he did stay closer to pete when the scent of other alphas overwhelmed him.

He pulled patrick closer when he saw alphas as eyeing up the small omega he felt a surge of protectiveness flow through him which made him pull patrick into the nearest shop which to his relief had only a few alphas that had the scent of other omegas on them. Suggesting they were mated.

"Go look for some clothes" pete said watching with amusement as patrick squealed and rushed towards the clothing racks.

The omega pulled out various dresses and showed then pete who smiled at the exited omega and looked for clothing for patrick to wear too.

Patrick ran to the dressing rooms with a few dresses an pete took this chance to go to the lingerie section to pick out a few pairs for patrick. A lovely beta came towards him and asked if he wanted help, he nodded graciously and gave them the description of patrick. They smiled brightly and searched through a few racks finding two pairs of lingerie that would suit patrick perfectly.

The one pair was a lovely soft pink, it was one of those spaghetti strap tops made of a sheer fabric with panties to match. The other was a vibrant red that was more fitted and it came with a garter belt and black stockings it would definitely bring out the red tint in his hair. Pete thought these would be perfect for patrick and quickly thanked the beta and took then to the checkout to pay.

He caught patrick still in the changing room admiring a dress he was wearing. It was similar to but the skirt flared out and went to above his knees. He looked just as beautiful.

"Do you like?" The omega asked turning to look at pete.

"It's beautiful. You're beautiful" pete smiled stroking the blushing omegas cheek.

Patrick ushered pete out so he could change and then wondered back over to the racks picking out a few more articles of clothing to make a few more outfits. Pete loves watching the omega search for clothing, the sparkle in his eye when he found something he liked. And when he asked pete for his opinion even though the alpha would say he looked stunning in anything he put on.

Which is true. He did look amazing in what he picked out. From the black and green stripes thigh high socks he picked up to the ninja turtle T-shirt pete picked out for a laugh. The omega was just pure beauty.

They shopped in a few more stores and pete gladly bought patrick enough to fill a little less than half of petes closet but the omega just seemed happy with the dress.

He was still oblivious to the two pairs of lingerie pete bought that was snug away in a black gift bag stuffed with pink gift paper that pete held firmly in his hands. As well as two more paper bags of other clothing bought for patrick...

He also found out that Patricks birthday was two days away and that he would be seventeen. He thought that was the perfect time to give Patricks the lingerie he bought and maybe ask him to be his mate. Because he's sober and well last time patrick just wanted someone to fück him out of the pain of heat.

Pete smiled at the thought of the beautiful small omega named patrick to be his mate. He never would have thought that he would have felt something like this towards someone who was given to him as a fück toy. Brendon is an idiot sometimes.

Which made the alpha think that maybe he should start paying attention to his business more and talk with brendon about whatever the fuck they were going to do as a joined business.

I mean they were both record companies so they could just transfer some bands or solo artists to each other and make new albums or ep's. They would figure it out later but for now he will pay attention to patrick. It's only 5 and well they need to eat. Especially after spending so long shopping.

So when they got back pete started cooking lasagne while patrick hung up his new clothes in the closet space pete cleared out for him and got changed into new clothes. Which was a pair of leggings and one of petes work shirts because 50 shades of grey.

Pete nearly dropped the spoon when he saw patrick approach him because he looked so adorable in the too big shirt and leggings that showed off the shape of those delicious thighs. And pete may have a fetish for those and fantasies of leaving his mark on them but oh well. He's an alpha and you can't help what he thinks of.

Patrick smiled at pete as they ate in silence and the omega praised pete on his cooking and the alpha blushed slightly. Keyword slightly. He felt like he needed to please the omega so he would mate with him but seriously who wouldn't. Patrick is like this fucking angel with an amazing voice amazing curves. Thighs to die for and a cherub face that screams innocence. Pete could have a long string of people worshipping the ground he walks on and fall on their knees for him but he would still chase after patrick. He would wait a millennium for the omega to say yes to be his mate.

And while patrick was falling for the alpha and his kindness and pacience.

The alpha was falling for patrick aswell

And pete was known for not ever being in love and the whole concept of love scared him. But he was willing to learn about love for patrick. Because the omega sparked something in him that he was honestly scared of. And he kinda liked it.

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