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Seulgi POV

"Ahhhh im really really starving" i said. "Then buy a food" wendy said to me, and she rolled her eyes. "Ok bye im going to buy my breakfast" then run to my room for change my clothes into this:

 "Ok bye im going to buy my breakfast" then run to my room for change my clothes into this:

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(A.n uuuu seulgi looks soooo cute)

(Still seulgi POV)

After that i go to the caffe and order vanilla frappe and brownies. I eat the brownies and i walk back to home with my vanilla frappe in my hand. Then i bumped into someone.

Jimin POV

"Ahhh what this.." i said while take a look cafe near me. After i think for while i goes to the cafe. And i order my food, i order ice coffee latte and some sandwich. After i finish my sandwich i walk back to home, until...i bumped to someone, "AHHH" we said in same time. "YAH! Can you walk properly? Now my sweater is full of your coffee" she said looking at me. "Wow" i said unbelievable "girl you bumped into me first and you know what my clothes is ruined too because of you, why you said its my fault?" I said. "What? Excuse me you're the one who bumped into me" she rolled her eyes.

Seulgi POV

I walking back to home,until someone bumped into me. "AHHH" we both said. "YAH! Can you walk properly? Now my sweater is full of your coffee" i shout and looking into his eyes. "Wow" he said unbelievable. "girl you bumped into me first and you know what my clothes is ruined too because of you, why you said its my fault?" He said. "What excuse me you're the one who bumped into me" i said an d rolling my eyes. And we starring each other for like 1 minutes ahhh I don't know.

And after bumped accidents i come home with my very very bad mood "im home" i shout and close the door with all my power. Then sooyoung came to me "wow i bet you now literally now you are in bad mood,don't you?" She said. I just  stares her and go straight to my room.

Jimin POV

"Aish this is my unlucky day" i said while i jumped to my bed. Then my eyes is so so soooo want to sleep because last night  i sleep late 'again'. Then I realize now im on my dreamland.

After woke up i heard knock in my door then i hear seokjin hyung tell me that dinner is ready. I just said "hm" for the answer.

After dinner i take a shower and go straight to my room. In my room i just chill and listening to music. And sleep of course.

(Next morning)

I go to my office and I realize that im gonna have a new secretary. Ow btw if you guys dont know im CEO in JMent. After i go to my seat i heard a knock.

Seulgi POV

Now this is my first day at JMent and my position is jimin secretary. And because i dont want my first impression is bad so i woke early this morning.
Then i take bus for going to my office, after 30 minutes road, 'finally' i thought. Then i go to my office and not forget to knock the door.

( A.n Hey everyone this is my first book😆😆😆. And i going to say sorry because my english is so sooo bad. But you know what lets enjoy thi story. And dont forget to comment and voted. Love you)

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