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Yeri POV

I just jogged at the park until someone
Give me a cola
When i see the people you know what?

"What r u doing here?" I asked

"At least you thanked me firts"

"Dadengkyu jungcookie" i said with aegyo

"Ew dont do aegyo its really make me
Want to throw up"


"YAH!! Shut up you squirtle"

"AISH,you just make my head hurts"

"Its make you always remember me"

"Ew stop it"


After we bickering someone called our name

"Hey jungkook! Hey yeri"

Me and jungkook turn around at the
Same time

"Seulgi unnie..."
"Jiminie hyung"

"Hey lovebirds do you want go to mini market? My treat" jimin oppa say

"Yes yes i want it but we not lovebirds"
I said and pout

"Oke okeee cmon yeriyaaa" jimin oppa said and patted my head

But they didn't know theres 2 others people who not enjoying the view of yeri and jimin

Jungkook POV

'Ew wth jimin hyung its so touchy
With yerim' i tought

"Hey you! Squirtle and short creature!"

"What?!" Jimin hyung and yeri shout

"In here not just you two there's me and seulgi noona"

"Yes! I agree!" Seulgi noona said and cross her hand

"Owww...my seulbear and kookie is jealous of yerimieee" jimin hyung said and laugh

"Seulbear? What kind of name is that"
Seulgi noona said.

But i know that she
Love when jimin hyung said MY SEULBEAR bcs she lightly blushed
But i think im the one who know it

(End of jungkook POV)

After they arrived at the mini market
They go to snack area.
Jungkook and yeri put any snack on the cart like there's no tomorrow.
Seulgi and jimin just shake they head.

Seulgi always tried to stop yeri and jungkook for bickering but that no

Before jimin payed all of the snack
Seulgi came out with 4 ice cream in her
Hand. Jimin giggles how to seulgi
Walk while  hold 4 ice cream.

4 of them sit on the park
While eating ice cream.
Like always jungkook and yeri always

Then jimin whipped ice cream on seulgi face using her finger
And jimin realize seulgi is blushing
And jimin just giggled

Yeri POV

"Eww you two get away,its really annoyed me" i said

"Yessss stop being loveydovey"
Jungkook add

"You're just jealous KIM YERIM"
Seulgi unnie said

"Yes you too jungkook" jimin oppa add

"No we dont" jungkook and i say in the same time AGAIN

"Are you sureee" Seulgi unnie teased me

"What ever"  and rolled my eyes

(Hello guys I'm really really sorry
Because my english is so so bad.but pls enjoy this story💗💗)

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