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Hello dadeulgi
Who the hell r u?

You know me
Seriously who r u?

Your boss :<
Ouuu mr park :0

62-xxx-69 -> mr.park

Btw why r u texted me mr park?

Nothing just bored
Then gtg bye...
Byee seulgi :<

Seulgi POV

After mr park texted me yeri knock the door.

"Unnie lets eat" yeri said

In dining table

"Soooooo...." yeri said then paused
"What?" Joy said
"Sooooo actually i have crush......" yeri paused again
"Who who whoo?" Seungwan add
"Uuuu uri maknae is falling in love"
Johyun unnie said
"Jungkook" yeri said in low tone and then she blushed

Well our jaw drop except yeri and stay silent like 15 second(?) and ofc after that we started to tease her

Yeri POV


"Lets play the music" i mumbled and plug the earphone in my ear. After awhile jungkook sit next to me.
My heart is beating very fast, 'geez cant my heart stop beating fast' i tought

Then the bell is ringing, i run so fast leaving the school. But i accidentally tripped and fall. My leg is bleeding and its feels very bad.

Then someone tapped my shoulder when i turned around, ITS JUNGKOOK, JUNGKOOK TAPPED MY SHOULDER.

The he ask me "umm yeri i can help you, you're leg its so freaking bad its bleeding, do you want me to piggy back you until you reached home?"
My jaw drop like omg he want to piggy back me!!

"Umm sure" i answer him shyly

During our way home we were silent
But i do like the silent, and i really like the scents of jungkook cologne shhhh dont tell anyone

After we arrived in front of my house i walk to the door and when im gonna open the door jungkook gave me his phone number, then i go straight to my house before saying goodbye tp jungkook

(Ok guys soo now im gonna include jungri for this story but still the main ship is seulmin hope you guys like it😄😄❤️❤️)

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