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Jimin POV

I heard knock from my door, then i open the door. "Ow shit" I mumbled "wait wth why are you in my office?" I ask her, "wait are you park jimin?"she ask "i ask you first" jimin. "Well im new secretary for jimin guy" she said. My jaw drop, "sooo can you answer my question?" She said, "ohh umm yes im park jimin" i answer. "WHATTT??"seulgi. "Yah, you cant be my secretary if you dont tell your name" i said with hope that she let me know her name. "Then im not going to tell you" she said looking straight into my eyes, "okay then you dont get your salary" i said with smirk in my face.
"Fine my name is seulgi, kang seulgi" she said  with her eyes smile, uuu kinda cute i tought, wait what am i thinking?no noo.

No one POV

Seulgi is focus on her paper,jimin gave it. But jimin staring at seulgi, seulgi feel uncomfortable "yah, can you stop staring  like that its creepy" seulgi said her eyes still on her paper.

Now is lunch time before jimin get his lunch he  look seulgi still on her computer. "Hey ms.kang why you dont eat lunch?" Jimin ask. "Diet" seulgi answer his question. "No diet in my office" then jimin dragged seulgi to restaurants. Seems like this is restaurant that i cant afford the menu seulgi tough. Jimin and seulgi sit in the same table, "what do you want?" Jimin asked "mmm this is to expensive" seulgi said her eyes still on the menu. "Who say you gonna pay?" Jimin "hm?" Seulgi. "No im not going eat in here, you can eat here but im not" seulgi say and about to left, but jimin stop her.

Lunch time is ended now seulgi and jimin go back to work.

(A.n hello all my readers dont forget to comment and vote lav ya)

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