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Jimin POV

The waitress is flirting on me and i felt uncomfortable, and i can see seulgi didn't like she flirt on me. Cute

The waitress keep flirting on me suddenly seulgi spoke up.

"Hey, just work! You have a job mrs waitress your job is serving us not flirting with customers" i dont know what to say

"Who are you mrs? Are you his girlfriend?" The waitress said.
I can see anger in seulgi face.

"OMG! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Seulgi shout and snapped the table. Ok ok i must do something

"Um excuse me, who are you talking like that to her? Why you even care about our relationship? Any problems?" I ask the waitress with serious tone, she cant answer me

"Where's your manager?" She widens her eyes.

After i talk to the manager i came back to seulgi.

"Seulgi do you want change restaurant or its ok to you?" I ask her
"Its ok" she said then i nod

After we ate i drop her to her house.

At the office

Jimin POV

Is almost 4 hour working but seulgi seems like on a really bad mood i want to ask her but i dont want to be rude.

Ok after thinking like 6 hour I finally gonna ask

"Hey mrs.kang"
"Any problem?"
"Mm not really"
"Good, ok then"
I leave

End of Jimin POV

Now jungkook and yerim is at the mall,

"I want beef" said yeri.
"Im full" jungkook
"I really want beef" yeri
"U pay the beef ?" jungkook
"Ofc not, you're the one who pay" yeri
"Hell no who r u" jungkook
"Your lovely friend" yeri said and blink her eyes.
"Yayaya what ever"
"Soooooo. Do you want buy me beef??" Yeri said still on a hope
"Still no bby gurl" jungkook said

Yeri just look him with glare then walk leaving him alone. He iust chuckle and run to yeri.

Seulgi POV

My work hour is end, so its time to me go back to my lovely house.
When i left the building its raining outside.

I dont bring my umbrella. So I decided to wait.

The rain didn't stop, i wait like 1 hour already and the rain still didn't stop.

Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.

"Need help? Ms.kang?" Mr.park ask me.
"No need sir" i said while looking the sky.
"Dont lie seul, cmon get in the car" he said and grab my wrist.
I don't refuse it cuz i want to go home badly.

On the road finally jimin spoke up.
"What happens seul?" Jimin ask me
"Nothing.." i said avoid eyes contact.
"You cant lie to me Seulbear you were bad liar" he said and chuckling.
"Ok ok fine.." i said
"So... the parfum that you gave to me, is destroyed by yeri" i said then pout.
"I badly like that parfum, but yeru destroyed this morning, is the reason why I'm in badmood." I said and pout again.

"HAHAHA,so this is the reason why you seems on the badmood" he said and laugh again. I just nood and put my head low.
"Its ok seulgi aaa" he said then patt my head.
"You're so cute" he said. And his word is make me blushing.

(Hey guys sorry for the late update🙏🙏🙏 because this 2 week im on holidays and next week i have an exam. So I really sorry for the late update, AND DENGKYU FOR 1K READERS I REALLY HAPPY OMG🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳)

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