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Seulgi and jimin attend the party at 6pm
At the party jimin will talk to his friends while seulgi just stood beside jimin and answer a question when jimin friends ask her.

Many people tought they're couple but when seulgi heard that question seulgi is secretly blush.

After jimin talked to his friends and seulgi got a new friends witches jimin friend

there 7 boys with 4 girls who familiar in seulgi eyes

Then jimin and seulgi approach the 7 boys with 4 girls

When seulgi look one of the girls her jaw drop

Seulgi POV

"Sooyoung why are you here?" I asked her
"Seulgi unnie!" She said while smiling
"Im here because he invited me" she said while showing her finger to one of the guys
"Ooo" i said

"Seulgi why are you here?" Joohyun unnie asked
"Ohh jimin invited me" i said
"Well look likes we all gathered in one same places" seungwan add
"Yeahh" yeri answered

Jimin POV

After the girls chatted
I asked them "soooo you guys know each other??"
"Ofc we all lived in the same roof" the youngest answer me
I just gave my 'o' face

"And what kind of relationship you guys with my friend" i asked again yes again

"Soo jungkook oppa invite me and jungkook oppa is my friend in the school ow yes my name is yeri" yeri said and gave me a smile,she cute i tought

"And im joy, friend with jin oppa" she said while smiling

"Im seungwan son seungwan or you can call me wendy, my boyfriend is yoongi oppa" she said and smile

"Im joohyun bae joohyun, taehyung girlfriend" she said and gave me a small smile

And i think all of them is cute and gorgeous but still seulgi is my favorite ups

After the party end i drive seulgi back to her home and the other use the different car

(A.n vote this story and comment ok? And sorry bcs its a short chapter)

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