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Seulgi POV

Tomorrow morning i need go to busan for my work, so i need to pack my things.

He said he gonna pick me up at 6 so i must sleep now i dont want to oversleep cuz i need go tp busan.

Next morning

I wake up at 5 so i do quick bath,
Then i put light make up,

When i go to down stairs i saw joohyun unnie, she makes me some pancakes,
She's really a mother.

"Aww unnie, how did you know??" I said and eat the pancakes
"Ofc i know" i just giggled
"Btw the pancakes is really good" i said and make my eyes gone.

After ate me and joohyun unnie just talking and laugh at the lame jokes.

Suddenly jimin texted me he said he already in front of my house.
I said goodbye to joohyun unnie and go to the door,dont forget to hug her.

"Hey chim" i said while click the seatbelt.
"Hey" he said and use her sunglasses.

Then we just talk each randomly, laughing at the lame jokes.

After bout 1 hour we arrive at the airport.

"Hey chim,what about your car? You leave it in here?" I asked him while points at the car.

"Jungkook take it" he said and take his suitcase and dont forget mine.

"Ooo" i said. Then i grab my suitcase.
"Btw,have you eat yet?" I ask him
"No but dont worry" he said
"Ahhh" i said

Then we arrive at the plane,From soul to busan take 3 hour (an i dont know so i just make it randomly)

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Then we arrive at the plane,
From soul to busan take 3 hour (an i dont know so i just make it randomly)

Jimin POV

Now we are on the plane,
She sit next to me.

"Seulgi are you sleepy?"
"No" i just chuckle cause her face is so sleepy.

And im right after 5 minutes she sleeping, what a girls.
And she put her head in my shoulder.
'Still pretty' i tought.

After about 2 hour half we arrive at busan.
"Seul were here" i said and tap her shoulder
"Ahhh" she said while fix her hair and bun her hair.

(Hey guys sorry for not updating not in the mood hehe)

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