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Jimin POV

Now is 12 at the midnight me and seulgi still work,
But i think she really tired.
But she push her self not to sleep

I really cant take it anymore i want to make her not to push herself

"Ms.kang you can go now" i said
"No no i have to work"
"Its too late ms.kang"
"No noo just give me 30 minutes really"
"No no go home now,its to late"
"No i wont before this paper 100% done"
"Ok,if you dont want to go home i will cut your salary this month. Good luck ms.kang"
"Wait what?! No way"
"Then go home its too late"
"Omg seriously? Ok by park jimin"

Then I follow her
"What are you doing?" She asked me
"Going home duh"
After we get out from the elevator
She mumbled "shit the last bus is on 12.15 and now 12.25 what am I supposed to do?" But i still can hear that
"You can go home with me,i drive you"
I said while looking at her
"Dadengkyu jimin" she said

After i drive her home i said "its ok if you didn't go work tomorrow,because you already hardwork today, and tomorrow I didn't go too"
Then she give me 'ok' sign with her hand

Seulgi POV

Now is 8, and im not going to workkkk
So i gonna go to the cafe for buy me some drink

I wear this

Then i walk to the cafeAfter a minute finally I arrive to the cafe I order sandwich and pomegranate cold teaAfter the food come i eat normally

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Then i walk to the cafe
After a minute finally I arrive to the cafe
I order sandwich and pomegranate cold tea
After the food come i eat normally

Then someone sit in my opposite
"Excuse me?"
"Ahh noona...." jungkook said
"Ouu jungkook i tought you're stranger"
"Ofc not" he said
"Are you here with?"
"Jimin hyung"
"Just two of you?" I asked

After the conversation jimin approach us
"Hey seulgi!"
"O hay jimin"
"Where's yeri?"
"Still sleeping"
"Ahhh i seeeee"

After we ate we walk together
"Umm wait let me go to convince store first"
"For what noona?" Jungkook ask me
"I need to buy banana milk for yeri"
"Ooo i see" jungkook

After i get the milk and gonna pay it suddenly jungkook pay it
"What are you doing?"
"Let me pay for yerim"
"Uu good boyfriend huh" me and jimin said
"Nooo nooo we're not dating!"
"Friend but sweet" i tease him
"What kind" he ask
"Surpriseing her when her birthday and make her birthday is best birthday ever" tease him again

He just smile and her face turn light pink
Me and jimin just chuckle

(Hello everyone sorry for the slow updates because I prepare for the next book🎉🎉 but i wont give any spoiler sooo please wait💓💓)

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