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Yeri POV

Me and jungkook became more close, and we always bickering every day every time every single time.

Now im at cafeteria to buy banana milk
Then jungkook came and took my banana milk and drink it ONE SHOOT
Now i dont have anything to drink

"Yah! Why you drink all  my milk? You have your own money get yourself drink dont drink min-" he cut me off
"Yah you so loud"
Then he gave me another banana milk
Aishhh I really don't understand this freaking boy

Seulgi POV

Im going to market because im out of stock my pringles

Now im struggling to get my pringles
Why he/she put pringles at the top of the shelf

I tried to tip toed and jump but not use
I think im not that short, when i tried to tip toed once again there a hand beside me and he took the pringles and gave it to me "is this what you want kang seulgi" i shock because he know my name

Then. I look to the guy and you know what? Its park jimin yes my boss
"Ahhh mr park.... thank you" i said and showing my eyes smile
"Dont need to formal when we're not at the office remember" she said still looking at me
"Ahhh oke PARK JIMIN" i say and giggle at the same time
He just smile

When i gonna pay the pringles suddenly jimin pays it
I widened my eyes  and say "what the hell your not supposed to pay it"
He just giggled at my reaction

Not just he  payed my pringles but he drive me home
I thanked him and run to my door

Next morning

Jimin POV

I open my eyes and feel my head is hurt so badly
I checked my temperature and my temperature is 38,7°c so i think im not going to work and i dont know why but now i feel bad mood

Seulgi POV

Its currently 11.30 am almost lunch time but jimin still not here
Idk why but i feel worry
Then i decided to call him

Phone conversation

Umm jimin are you
Going to work?


Why do you care?

I just ask, and why
You mad? but your voice
Is so weak Are you sick?

                          Who are you asking me?

Your secretary
                                       And im your boss
So what? You're voice its
So weak i bet you
were sick,can you
Give me your home address?

For what?

Just give me!
                                                Fine ,
apartment  xxx unit xx

Seulgi hung up

After i know jimin is sick from his
Voice, i run to Drug store and go to jimin apartment using taxi.

When i arrived at the front of the apartment building I immediately
Looked for the unit that i had
Been instructing

I pressed the bell many times
Waiting for jimin to open the door

(Hey guys i think this is my longest chapter until now. So hope you like it💗💗💓)

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