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1 day later

Jimin POV

I woke up at 7 am this morning, i have some times before work.

I don't know why but suddenly I remember last night,

Why seulgi is on the bad mood,cuz the parfum that i gave is destroy by yeri.

So i want to buy the parfum now, for seulgi.

But suddenly now she call me,

Morn,why you called me seul?

I just want to say that i can go work today

Why? Something wrong?

Nah, its ok i just got fever

No its not ok, i will go to your house

No need chim

Bye see you at your house Seulbear

Call ended

After I heard seulgi is on a fever, I decided to go to her house.

Before i go to her house i buy her some medicine.

Now im on the main door of her house.
Ding dong excuse me,

Than a ladies open the door,

"Ah jimin..." She said
"U know me?" I ask her
"Ofc! We met at the party before"
"Ahh, but can i now your name? Sorry i forgot" i said
"Seungwan, son seungwan. Oh yes come in" she said
"Seulgi is having fever now she is on living room" Seungwan said

I go the living room and seing seulgi sleep at the couch With a pillow and blanket.

"Hey seungwan,"
" give this to seulgi" i gave the medicine that I bought earlier,
"Ahhh, ok"
"Um wan i should go, need to work." I said, then she open the main door for me.

At the office.

Suddenly my phone pop up some notifications.
Its from the other company.
He reminds me that we have meetings at busan, cause my company is from seoul, so i need leave this town.
And i need bring my secretary.

Im going to busan two days later, and stay at busan 3 or 4 days.

After my work our is end, I decide go to the mall.

At the mall i buy exactly the same parfum that I bought seulgi last time.
Cause i dont want to seulgi sad just because the parfum that i gave is ruined by yeri, so I decided to buy her the parfum again.

After that i text seulgi,

Hey seul,
Can you go with me to busan
We have meetings with hsComp


Ok pack your things, we going the day after tomorrow


(Hey guys.. sorry for not update properly, cause now I'm on exam weeks, and it's really important for my school life, and not just that, I just kinda upset cause you guys being silent readers like seriously silent, no voting or comment for this past week. It make me feel like dont want to write nother chapter but dont worry im gonna finish this story.
And I don't why the numbers of readers increase day by day it just make me feel really sad,OW YEAH i made this description before 1k readers, soo yea. To be honest i know u guys didnt read this description)

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