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"Unnie...oppa... lets go to the book store i really need a new book" yeri said and dangling in seulgi and jimin arm

Seulgi and jimin just chuckle at yeri while jungkook give yeri disgust expression

"Mmm yeri what do you want to buy?" Jungkook ask

"This" yeri point her finger to one book who have purple cover

"Is that it?"

"Yessssssss" yeri said happily

"Ok i buy it for you" jungkook said make yeri shock

"What happened to you....you creepy" yeri said

"YAH! I tried to act nice!"

"Uuuu thankyou jungkookie oppaaa~~" yeri said with aegyo

Jungkook secretly blushed because yeri  word
After yeri got what she wanted yeri run to her unnie

"Unnie unnie!"
"Can you treat me??"
"Treat you what?"
"Ice cream!"
"Ok fine lets go"
"Dengkyu unnie"

After they arrive at ice cream shop at the mall
Yeri choose the flavor she choose pink bubblegum flavor
And jungkook choose blue bubblegum flavor

After they arrive at ice cream shop at the mallYeri choose the flavor she choose pink bubblegum flavor And jungkook choose blue bubblegum flavor

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(This is what yeri look like with her pink icecream)

After seulgi payed those two ice cream.
They go to the park

Yeri and jungkook play together at the park and dont forget they always bickering

Seulgi and jimin just watch two little kid running and bickering at the same time

Until jimin realize seulgi is very tired so he tell yeri and jungkook that he and seulgi gonna back to home
Jungkook and yeri just nood and run again

Yeri POV


"OMG yerim ice cream is dead bcs fall from a high place!! Omg!" Jungkook said like he is shock

"Yah!" I said then took her ice cream from her heand and eat it

"KIM YERIM! Why you eat my ice cream?!"

"Its because you dropped my ice cream coconut head!"

"Give it back to me!"

"No i wont"  after i said that word i eat all of his ice cream and run

"YAH YOU KIM YERIM COME BACK!" He shoute at me

I just continue running while giggling

(So i hope you guys enjoy my story💓💓💓)

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