Chapter 11

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I couldn't wait to get home to my family. Going in and out of Jamaica was becoming a hassle for me but it was something I signed up for years ago, at this point there was no turning back.

Once I opened the front door to the house the first thing I saw was my kids running towards me full speed; "ddddaaaddddyyyy" they screamed in unison and jumped into my arms.

I had both of them in each arm as I approached Imani, my beautiful wife. Although we weren't married yet I considered her my wife because that's just what she was. We had been planning a wedding for years now but never got around to actually executing it.

Which reminded me, I needed to talk to her about choosing a new date for next month.

She had all the plans laid out so all we needed was a date. Once this piece of business was handled I was gonna give her the dream wedding she always wanted and deserve.

When I made it to her she gave me the most beautiful smile as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "We missed you baby" she spoke softly.

"I missed y'all too" I replied then kissed her passionately.

"Eeewwwwww" the kids said in unison. We both laughed and I stepped back from her.

I noticed everyone was caked up and making up for this week that we had been gone. I smiled to myself as I watched my lil bro with his girl, I've never seen him so in love.

Kiari really was a gift from God; I had to say that if I wanted anyone to be my sister in law it would be her.

Her crazy ass family fit right in with us. I know my mama would approve of her. Jasper was hesitate about introducing them because he didn't know if they would last but I feel that they were soulmates.

"Let's eat" Imani spoke. The kids wiggled out of my arms and jetted to their table to wait on their plates.

"Daddy can you help me" Jewel asked while trying to get into her chair.

"Yes baby girl I got you" I smiled and helped her into the chair.

I walked over to help Mani make the plates; "we're ending this today whether I have your approval or not" she spoke in a whisper.

I eyed her intently, I knew what she meant but I had to let it process. "Don't do shit in front of my kids Imani, I'm not playing with you" I spoke through gritted teeth.

"I'm not Jason, I got this"

I wasn't even finna argue with her. I just let her have it, I wasn't even in the mood to help her make plates anymore so I made my way to the dining room table and took my rightful seat at the head.

All of the guys gave me a look, meaning their women had just disclosed the same information to them

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All of the guys gave me a look, meaning their women had just disclosed the same information to them. I just did a slight nod acknowledging the fact that I was fine with it, we all sat quietly waiting to be served.

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