Chapter 25

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They say good things come to people that wait, but see me I never been the type to wait. Time is the only thing you can't get back. I sometimes catch myself  thinking about the time I've wasted and find my self questioning if this was one of those times.

Was she really worth me spending all this time chasing her? I was a fool to think that her man would let her go easily. I've came to the conclusion that I really wasn't going to pursue her but I still needed to talk to her.

I needed to talk to all of them, Jaron really put thoughts into my head about calming down and just being about my money. We have hella repairing to do to our organization and right now wasn't the time to start another war.

"Bruh what up with you? HEELLLOOOO" Kam said as he shook me.

"Nigga! Shake me one more time" I mugged him.

"I mean shit, we in the middle of a conversation and yo ass just blank out mid sentence"

"It's something I need to do" I said as I stood and headed towards the door.

"What the fuck" him and Jaron mumbled in unison.

I hopped into my car and pulled off, just as I was about to dial out my phone started to ring. "Speak"

"Myles, I got that information you needed" a familiar voice spoke.

"Right on time, send it to my phone"

"Bet" and with that I ended the call. Within seconds a phone number and address was sent to my phone.

I immediately dialed the number, it rung 5 times before her voice came through the phone; "hello?" She asked in a questioning tone.

I paused for a minute.

"Hheeelllllooooo" she said in a more stern voice.

"He-Hello" I said as I took a deep breath.

"Who is this?"

"It's ... it's Myles just hear-" that's all I could get out before the line clicked. I called again and got the voicemail. I tried one more time just to receive the same result. 

I entered the address into my gps and headed to my destination.



Toya and I were laying around her house relaxing while the guys were out of town in Jamaica, Mani was home taking care of the kids since they had the flu, Juri was still in the house per the doctor's orders, and Camari was gone back to school

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Toya and I were laying around her house relaxing while the guys were out of town in Jamaica, Mani was home taking care of the kids since they had the flu, Juri was still in the house per the doctor's orders, and Camari was gone back to school.

Israel was sleep so here we were watching Netflix and drinking wine. Her phone rung and she answered it.

"Hello" she answered in a questioning tone.

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