Chapter 9 - Yeonjun

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The activity, as Yeonjun expected, ended without any decision being made at all. After all the images were guessed, and a few bad ideas were thrown around like hard candy, Soobin had the courage to tell Taylor they weren't ready to decide on a name.

She marched back out with a broad smile, still strutting. She'd changed into pajamas which sparkled with every turn and swivel, and Yeonjun couldn't stop looking—as if the glamour would bring back his lost memories.

"Everyone," she said. "I can tell you're exhausted, maybe from the trip here or from what to expect. This task may be the most important of all. Let's take a nap for about an hour!"

There are three rooms upstairs, each one with a balcony that overlooks the island and boasts ocean views. Taehyun rooms with Beomgyu, Kai pulls on Yeonjun's arm with a grin, and Soobin volunteers to stay alone.

Yeonjun's room is the one furthest down the corridor. There are two twin beds with plain white sheets, a reading chair, and carpet like soft cream. The decorations are simple, even including an empty vase and a portrait with nothing inside. He envisions the cabin being a dollhouse to be filled into something more real over the course of two months. He pictures hanging a poster of one of his favorite rappers, J. Cole, on the empty space over his bedpost. It would certainly liven things up a little.

"She wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts," Huening Kai sings out, as he sets down his backpack near the corner of the room.

Yeonjun's memory is jogged, of course, but as this year has taught him—there will always be thoughts that hover out of reach, taunting him in steady streams. They tickle the outside of his skull, but they never ever come back in.

"She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers!" Kai continues, his belts a sweet melody.

"I can't even remember the song," Yeonjun blurts out, wishing he didn't in the immediate second after.

Kai stops ruffling his sheets, staring at him like a disturbed chipmunk. "What do you mean?"

Yeonjun sighs, preparing for an explanation he always gives but never makes any sense—even to his own ears. "A year ago, I fell on the basketball court during a high school game. I hit my head really hard. I was rushed to the emergency room and all that."

Kai nods, and he takes a seat on the floor—coming to the level of Yeonjun, who's digging through his suit case. A small smile tells him to go on, that the younger boy isn't in a space to judge.

"At first, nothing was wrong." Yeonjun sighs, rumpling up a sport's jersey by clutching his fist. "But then... these gaps started to appear. I would forget the names of my favorite basketball teams, rap lyrics that I memorized, and other things." Even the name of my mom, one day. "Gah. It really sucks."

"This has gone on for a whole year?" Kai prompts, his voice softer.

"Yeah." Yeonjun shakes his head, as if that could right his mind once again. "I'm still trying to catch up and learn things that every kid at my age should know. Like who was the president in 2000, or how to spell fabulous, or how Taylor Swift's most famous song goes."

"Bill Clinton," says Kai, with a lilt like tickling feathers. "When you need to remember fabulous, just look at me—I'm the definition. And as for lyrics... I can always teach you. We're kind of roomies now."

Yeonjun laughs, covering his face with a palm—at least he remembers that this gesture was always one of his old habits. "Thank you."

"I may be the youngest." Kai jumps up and begins to tuck himself under his blankets. "But I know a lot for my age. Well—at least I hope. Anyway, goodnight Yeonjun."

"Goodnight," Yeonjun sings back, although the sun has just started the day's journey.

An hour later, just when Yeonjun begins to drift off, the trumpet blares once more. It sounds like an entire marching band has surrounding the cabin. While Kai awakens with a grin on his face, Yeonjun barely misses smacking his head against the nightstand's lamp.

"I don't need more lost memories," he whispers to himself, searching the floor for his favorite varsity jacket.

"What?" Kai's already fully dressed, heading toward the door. "Anyway, let's hurry up, jun-y!"

Jun-y? He cracks up in laughter, not sure whether these months will stretch out or fly by.

A/N: So far two readers have declared Yeonjun their bias! I'm still undecided but who knows?—I might be next :p. 


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