Chapter 35 - Beomgyu

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Beomgyu's heart flutters in the most confusing mix of emotions. As he waits backstage with a team rushing to perfect his makeup, hair, in-ears and outfit, he takes deep breaths and consoles himself by knowing that his teammates—all four of them—are experiencing the exact same whirlwind.

In his mind, flashes of memory from Camp Heartbroken rush through in a vibrant array of color and sound. He remembers meeting Yeonjun for the first time and beginning an argument that he'd regret immediately after. He can still feel Sesame scratching him for the first time, the beginning of Taylor's voice lessons and her stories about healing from broken relationships.

He sees the recording of CROWN and the other songs he holds dear, along with grueling routines with Mike Kuang and their intimate performances giving them confidence needed for the big stage. Under a star-filled night at Bellows, Beomgyu found his voice as an artist.

And here inside this arena, under the stare of eight thousand people, he'll show what he has gained. He has a team, his own style, and a story to tell.

A story that's continued past the girl who broke him.

"Welcome up TOMORROW X TOGETHER!" says the MC with booming resonance.

And with that, Beomgyu is shuffled out onto center stage with his teammates. He looks up and almost stutters backward from the amount of phones raised and mouths open in cheering and whistles. The lights overhead are so hot that he begins to sweat immediately. The noise turns into an almost physical force that glues his two feet onto the linoleum.

But he keeps going. This dream is not just for himself, but for the other four as well, for Taylor and his family and everyone who supported his dreams since the beginning. He has the role of introducing the first song, so he adjusts the microphone that hovers right near his mouth. With a sweep of a gaze to the audience, he reflects on the importance of tonight. All these people are spending their nights to support TOMORROW X TOGETHER. They're not only potential fans, but believers in TXT before the boys even had a chance to prove anything.

The upbeat, dubstep track fizzles out, and all that's left is the cheers of the crowd. Already, people are chanting their names and reaching out as if Beomgyu can extend his hand for the length of a football field.

"Wow!" he starts, and more screams are the response. "We are TOMORROW X TOGETHER! We're so happy that you all came out to support our debut."

Soobin takes the lead for a moment, guiding the team to their official greeting complete with a hand signal created by Yeonjun.

Then Beomgyu continues the rest of the introduction. "As you all might know, we've been attending a program called Camp Heartbroken, which has helped us train for two months to be performers."

More screams, and Beomgyu responds with a fist pump and cheesy grin. "Thank you. But not only that, we also were taught by Taylor Swift on how to overcome our broken hearts. Give it up for Taylor!"

The noise becomes magnified, but Beomgyu refuses the temptation to cover his ears. He wants to take everything in and bask in the outcome of TXT's hard work. "We have prepared an album that talks about the struggles of growing up. I'm sure you saw the CROWN music video which dropped this morning?"

Beomgyu laughs when someone from the front row yells YES! for ten seconds straight. "I love the enthusiasm. Your energy will help us create a performance we can be proud about. So for tonight, I don't want anyone to dwell on anything sad. Enjoy the music and only allow yourself to hope for the future. I love you all, I can't wait to spend a long time with everyone."

Beomgyu, in this moment, can't be more thankful for the endless rehearsals. In CROWN, he can't help but perform with a grin that lasts the entire four minutes. He doesn't feel the least tired while leaping through transitions and balancing his routine with the lines and pictures Mike drones on endlessly about.

Every time he reaches a part with his solo, he hears his name in the crowd echoed hundreds of times. When he comes front and center, the assurance that his team is following is like a cloud enveloping his being. And when the song ends, Beomgyu's smile is in true love for the eight thousand.

"Who's ready for Blue Orangeade?" Beomgyu yells, after Taehyun introduces the song and its meaning.

Halfway through the track, Beomgyu thinks of Kaila. But the thought is transient, like a ghost passing through his body for a split second. What would he do if she were here? He has peace in knowing he wouldn't care whether she's in the front row or spending the night at her new boyfriend's place.

Because he's here, and he shouldn't have looked down on himself for months and months. He's just as valuable as Kaila. He's a person, who deserves the chance to grieve and be restored. This dream is completely his own. This performance is his soul, finally flying again. The song on his lips is a testament not to returning to his old self, but transforming into a stronger person.

Beomgyu leaps into the center of the formation, channeling a bright aura into every lyric and move.

A/N: Thank you for your support! Currently the ONE DREAM reality show is going on, and I'm so excited for episode 2. Is it possible to have 5 biases???  

 Is it possible to have 5 biases???  

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