Chapter 12 - Huening Kai

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Huening Kai lays in bed, glad Yeonjun has let him sleep close to the window. As he allows the drowsiness of the day to take over, he focuses on the silver glint against the window, how the mountain pines sway along to the steady trade winds. He's always been one to be up for adventure, and today was a whirlwind of just that—and he allows hope of what's to come enter his heart. He sighs, feeling his skin warm, tingling along with the image of being on stage. Performing an original song to a crowd of thousands.

Usually, he has no trouble falling asleep, but tonight the events of the day replay in his mind. First, entering Camp Heartbroken and finding Soobin and Taehyun, listening to the fight between Beomgyu and Yeonjun, then Taylor's dramatic entrance. He tastes the sweetness of strawberry guava and remembers the relief of bringing Beomgyu back in one piece.

For dinner, Taylor cooked pasta with cream sauce and grilled fish. She was meant to eat with them around the dining table, but was preoccupied with an emergency phone call—which she later told them related to a few key decisions about her next world tour. So the boys were left to eat alone, making conversation that was polite but not altogether natural. For the most part, they hovered in the realm of favorite songs and artists, of which parts of the island they're from. 

But a smile was shared when Kai mentioned the possibility of a song of theirs being known across the nation.

He's just about to drift off when a squeak catches his attention.

No—not a squeak. The sound comes from outside, and when it repeats Kai knows it's a meow.

The sound is remarkably small, so there's no way it belongs to a fully grown cat. As the meowing continues, Kai's face tightens when he remembers receiving Curly when he was in kindergarten. The orange kitten was only the size of a shoe, and his meow sounded much like the one outside.

After the tenth or so meow, Kai can't control himself any longer. He swivels out of bed, puts on his house slippers, and creeps past a lightly-snoring Yeonjun. He makes it all the way down the stairs and outside, crossing through the yard and toward the side of the house. Here, the steady gale makes him pale, and he wonders whether the kitten is somewhere warm.

Kai doesn't have to look for long. The kitten is pressed against the side of the house, shivering while his black fur stands on all ends. He turns toward Kai and lets out a pitiable squeak—his eyes wide and hopeful.

"Oh, you cutie," Kai whispers. "Are you okay out here?"

Right after he stoops over, the kitten comes forward after a second of hesitation. The animal is in obvious discomfort, shivering from head to paw. Its body is also much too skinny for Kai's liking.

"Where's your mommy, little one?" Kai asks.

In response, the kitten purrs, rubbing his face against Huening Kai's outstretched palm. He's reminded of Curly—midnight cuddles, disciplining him during his naughty episodes, feeding him pieces of boiled chicken. A tear escapes and falls against the grass, blending into the dampness. 

Green eyes look at him with wonder.

He looks around, seeing the likelihood of the kitten surviving alone. Judging by the health of it so far, the chances aren't so good. So with a grimace, he scoops the kitten up in his arms and lets out a sigh when it purrs and clings close.

"I'll take good care of you. You'll be safe with me, I promise."

Creeping back into his house, he images that Taylor would accost him the next day, saying they're not allowed to bring stray animals into the cabin. Still, his love for this new baby is enough for him to grab and balance two bowls, a water bottle, and some grilled fish in his left hand. His right is preoccupied with holding the kitten.

Back in his room, he sighs, setting the kitten down. Already, there seems to be an improvement. It's no longer shivering, and it's become much less vocal—hopefully a sign of growing comfort.

"What's happening?" says Yeonjun, a sleepy note in his voice.

Kai jumps backward, flinging the grilled fish halfway across the room. He shrugs, with a sheepish grin. He looks at Yeonjun like he would his parents, whenever his jokes or antics go a bit too far. "I brought back a new friend...."

Because he's expecting Yeonjun to scoff, Kai's surprised when the older boy creeps carefully across the floor. He stoops down to his knees, staring at the skinny kitten.

Yeonjun shares a warm smile with Kai, holding out his palm in open welcome. "What should we name it?"

A/N: Who likes the new cover for Camp Heartbroken?? It was made by the lovely @wolfnie3. :))


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