Chapter 13 - Taehyun

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"They say you should let someone go if you love them," says Taehyun. "But what if the person lets you go first? Then you don't really have a choice. That makes it even harder."

He faces Beomgyu—who is staring into the mirror with an empty look in his eyes. The older boy's brunette hair has curled in strange spots, as if his night was full of turning in his bed. The space around his eyes is slightly swollen, and occasionally he reaches out to tap against his right shoulder—testing the injury in one lifeless motion. Although he seemed to be doing okay last night, Taehyun guesses that the morning has brought him new currents of heartbreak. Taehyun understands completely, how a new day can awaken old memories and awaken a longing for the past.

Taehyun continues, attempting to fill up the tense silence. "It's the hardest when you love someone, thinking that they have the same feelings. You build up all this expectation, but in the end they simply aren't on the same page." He taps once against his brow, trying to pluck a word of wisdom from his brain. "But one thing is for certain. It's good to have love in your heart. So even if they don't return it, you know you did everything you could. You were a loving, caring person, and that's really valuable. It's something you should be proud of."

Beomgyu nods his head, clutching his hands into fists and pressing them against his eyes—as if trying to quell the ache behind them. Then, right when Taehyun is expecting him to either shake or cry, the boy releases his arms into an outstretched pose. He turns toward the window, and at the top of his lungs, he releases a yell that could surely be heard for a mile from the cabin.

Beomgyu spins in a circle, a new determination hardening his jaw. "Thank you, Taehyun. I'm not going to feel bad about myself any more. I think it's time to move on, and this camp is giving me the perfect opportunity to."

Taehyun smiles, glad he played a role in cheering up his roommate. The energy has shifted from a heavy, dark mist into one where the sun in visible through the clouds. "Let's keep fighting, Beomgyu."

After breakfast, Taylor leads them into a room at the first floor, one which was previously locked from the outside. Taehyun gasps at the sight of a grand piano, an isolated recording booth, multiple mics and an analog mixer. The other boys garner similar expressions and sounds of delight as Taylor grins and gives them a miniature tour.

"First challenge," says Taylor. She sits down by the piano and opens it to reveal polished keys, no doubt tuned to perfection. "We're going to sing a song. No pressure or anything, but this is where I can figure out where you're at as vocalists. Any ideas of what to sing?"

Taehyun looks around, finding his fellow campers are doing the same. Taylor waits patiently with folded hands, but it seems everyone is too afraid to speak up. So he coughs once and suggests the first piece that comes to mind. "What about "Paris in the Rain?" By Lauv."

Yeonjun flings his hand above his head. "I know that song!"

The other three nod and hum in approval, as does Taylor. "Let's see here. Let me find the chords."

Taehyun watches, trying to keep his mouth closed as the pop star warms up her fingers, flying from key to key until the music room is full of warm melody. "Alright, I'm ready when you guys are."

As expected, the verse is started without much enthusiasm, nervousness making their voices clash rather than meld into one. Before they can get to the chorus, Taylor stops and turns toward the five of them. She's smiling, strangely enough.

"I understand how you guys feel," she says. "When I started to learn how to perform, I could barely be comfortable with myself in the mirror. It comes with time, of course, but also with believing in the voice you have."

She lets the words sink in, playing an unrelated set of chords to calm the atmosphere. "But also, I understand that you might not believe in yourself very much right now. You have hurts that seem unable to be healed. But let me tell you, music is one of the most therapeutic things in my life. When you sing this song... even though the lyrics may be unrelated, let out all of that pent up emotion. Let the notes you sing be healing."

When she starts the song again, Taehyun channels the side of him that is confident in hitting the high notes, the one that remembers lyrics seamlessly and finds harmonies without much effort. As the chorus hits, he awakens. It's like his senses are renewed, and all that matters is the next note and the one after that.

As they finish the song, Taehyun is stunned that they hit every note together, sounding like a professional team rather than five heartbroken boys. Taylor is grinning without restraint, and when she starts the chord progression once more, and calls out "again," Taehyun doesn't hesitate to add a harmony.

If his parents were here to listen, they would give applause and pump their fists as if their son is catching twenty-foot waves. Of course, he misses them, but he listens to Taylor's advice. He lets himself be healed by both the notes he forms and the ones that come from his team members.

After an hour or so of singing "Paris in the Rain" and other familiar songs, Taehyun feels a bit closer to everyone. He understands the strengths of each boy's voice—Yeonjun's rasp, Soobin's tone, Beomgyu's steadiness and Kai's energy. Taylor corrects them when they waver off key, helping Taehyun find the upper harmonies as easy as she were picking rubies off sand.

"Who knows how to play the piano?" says Taylor, stretching out her fingers.

"Me!" Huening Kai says, jumping up as if lightning's struck his legs.

"Okay." Taylor stands and gestures to the piano. "You practice with your team whenever you like then. I recommend as much as possible.

"Let's all drink something warm. Then... on to the next challenge!"

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please be sure to vote and comment, it would help me out tons :). PS: who doesn't love Taehyun's beautiful high notes and harmonies? 

 PS: who doesn't love Taehyun's beautiful high notes and harmonies? 

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