Chapter 23 - Taehyun

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The intense training hours continue. Taylor, still managing to be warm and inviting, convinces them to spend hours in the music room to brush up on phrasing, intonation, and overall technique. Just when TXT is sick of hearing each other's voices, they're shuffled away to practice for another few hours. Mike Kuang grows less annoyed as they get a hold on more advance skills, but still there's an underlying fear to disappoint.

No matter, with each passing day Taehyun can almost feel the confidence of the other members growing. The others are standing up straighter, reaching for notes and runs that once seemed too ambitious. Regarding dance, they meld into one—as if their moves stem from a single, living and breathing spirit.

By the next weekend, Taehyun's excitement is like a swirling bubble in his chest. "I'm more than ready for a break," he tells Beomgyu, who's probably grown the most in terms of confidence. The older boy has turned into a chatterbox, always willing to offer his input and cheer up the team with infectious loudness.

"Yeah," Beomgyu replies, pulling up a pair of animal socks—recent gifts from Taylor. "I wonder whether it'll be another outdoor event. But judging by what happened the last two times...."

Taehyun winces at the image of Beomgyu falling and Huening Kai suffering from a swollen foot. "You're right. Maybe something indoors would be a good change."

Taylor seemed to have the same idea. Taehyun and the boys are driven down to the Bishop Museum, and while they're dropped off by the front building, their theories of what's waiting for them grow more and more absurd.

"What if we're thrown into an arena of cats?" Yeonjun wonders.

"I highly doubt that," says Soobin. "Dogs would be a much better choice."

"We're at a museum," Huening Kai says. "I think the real challenge will be a treasure hunt for something, like an artifact. Maybe we can finally see who'll win Taylor's gift."

Beomgyu crosses his arms as they ascend the museum's steps. "No way! We already confirmed who won the challenge. I had six sand crabs in my bucket when we stopped hunting for crabs. More than anyone else."

Soobin puffs his cheeks. "Well, we'll double check with Taylor about whether there will be a rematch."

Taehyun is happy to remain silent, enjoying the presence of his team. Once they're led into the main clearing, he gasps at what he sees. One of the buildings, the Science Adventure Center, has been decorated with a bright blue banner above its entrance. It reads in bold white: Welcome, TOMORROW X TOGETHER! Work together to complete this maze.

Just as they approach, Taehyun receives a text message from Taylor. Begin to think about your debut concept, or what you want your first EP to be about. Be inspired by this maze, and at the end of it I'll be waiting to hear about your ideas!

Taehyun relays the message to the team, and with that, they enter the doors made opaque with black curtains. Inside, the entire place has been remodeled for them. TXT in golden balloons hover below the ceiling, and all around, a maze extends in the form of midnight blue barriers and passages. In the background, dreamy synth pop plays to immerse them in a feeling of wonder.

"I guess we should get started," Taehyun. "There's no telling which exit leads us to the end, so should we just pick at random?"

The maze, despite appearing deceptively simple, leads them in circles. But the time gives the members of TOMORROW X TOGETHER the opportunity to brainstorm on their debut concept. Taehyun takes in the touches of inspiration that have been installed for them—paintings of past pop stars on the barriers, color schemes made lifelike with hanging fabrics, and even more interactive elements. As Taehyun spins a pastel wheel in one of the dark halls, the scent of lavender and rose is emitted from a hidden spray bottle.

The scent reminds him of his mother. She loved anything floral—clothing, colors, and scents. Even before going out for surfing, she would spray a perfume that smelled like running through a field of wildflowers. Growing up, he would associate the smell with his mother going out for another adventure with Dad. She would come back with another story, another experience she would share around the dinner table. It was one of the aspects he looked forward to throughout his childhood and adolescence.

Growing up....

"Hey!" Taehyun calls out to the team. "So far, we've been talking about concepts that have been done before. Love, feeling good, everything that's played on the radio nowadays. But what if...." He explains his big idea. Like many of his revelations, it comes in a burst of inspiration much like a wave over an unexpecting shore. He speaks on the identity that they all share—adolescence. In the past few years, they've experienced growing pains that have surmounted the beginning teenage years. The concept of growing up won't end any time soon, so they'll always connect with the lyrics and melodies to be constructed.

"What do you all think?" Taehyun asks. He awaits in anticipatory quiet. Just then, they stumble through a hall they haven't been to yet. It leads them through an antechamber made from polished mirrors. From all angles, Taehyun sees him and his members reflected toward him a thousand times.

Finally, Soobin hums his agreement. "I think this idea is great. It'll show off our uniqueness and brightness."

Taehyun glances at the smiles that begin to form on the other members. He wonders whether they're envisioning the same shining future. Already, song lyrics form in his head. His heart beats in pitter-patters, and his feet carry him quicker through the maze.

A staircase is waiting at the end. It leads in a spiral to the second floor, where Taylor is visible. She looks down and grins, opening her arms in welcome. She finds Taehyun's eyes. He can almost guess her next words.

So, tell me everything.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I'm still surprised (well, not really) to find myself listening to "The Dream Chapter: STAR" on a daily basis. Everything just fits so well together! Hope you guys are having a good June and that you're hearts are full and healing :).  


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