Chapter 33 - Taehyun

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The stage is anything but intimidating. It's composed of the lecture hall of an art building, belonging to the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Only a fraction of the seats are taken up, around forty or so of TOMORROW X TOGETHER's closest friends and family. The lights are dimmed, and the boys hide behind makeshift curtains and wait for their cue. Their outfits are coordinated, the energy is surprisingly relaxed, and the goal is only to perform one song—CROWN. It should be a piece of strawberry cake, sweet on the tongue and taking not much effort to swallow.

But Taehyun is more nervous than he can recall being at any point in Camp Heartbroken. His heart rushes and an invisible hand pulls on his nerves. He fidgets while the minutes count down, wondering why a relaxed, intimate performance is causing so much internal pressure.

Mike Kuang made their goal clear yesterday. "A very small showcase," he had said. "It was part of the plans of Camp to perform once for your friends and family, before you make your big debut."

"Thirty seconds," announces someone from the backstage. His voice is mechanical, oblivious to the tornado of emotion ransacking Taehyun's spirit.

Deep down, Taehyun knows the exact reason why his heart is in mayhem. Unlike his teammates, his parents aren't here to support him. He has family in the crowd, of course, but his most important supporters won't be here in the flesh to cheer him on. Reflecting on the absence is enough to send his usually calm composure into panic.

What's the point of performing tonight, if his mom and dad can't see him and be proud?

Soobin approaches him just as twenty seconds is called out. "I understand," says his leader. Those two words are enough to remind Taehyun of the purpose of Camp Heartbroken. He must realize that healing has taken place, and he can't go back mentally to rip apart old wounds. Soobin has also lost a family member, so they'll be of one mind while performing. They won't just gesture to those in the crowd. They must visualize the ones they lost, believing that the first CROWN performance is being seen from heaven as well.

"Thank you," Taehyun says, but the words are drowned out from the sudden commotion.

TOMORROW X TOGETHER's loved ones make a deafening roar as Taehyun and the others are shuffled out to center stage. Taehyun allows himself a small smile, making out around ten of his classmates who've made it from Mililani High School. Of course. I'm not alone. How could he forget about his peers, who have been cheering on his dreams from the beginning of him joining the performing arts club?

Taehyun's nerves melt away as he sits on the floor, and as the track begins he allows the hours of practice to carry him through. He sings about a boy who woke up with horns, who struggled so much to accept himself. He tells the story of hope through meeting a boy with wings, someone who's also different but has learned to accept his true colors.

For Taehyun, his four teammates were the winged boys who lifted him out of a rut. He's sure that his teammates may have different perspectives. But at the moment, it doesn't matter who has wings and who has horns. The only focal point is that they're here, together, looking forward to a new tomorrow.

The dance comes easily, charged with charisma and made alive with facial expressions that come naturally as breathing.

Are your wings the same pain like mine?

Taehyun reflects on what they've lost, different but causing the same waves of pain. Now, they have a different perspective. They're made stronger through enduring the heartache. Taylor's taught them to channel all of the emotions, messy and ugly, into their performance.

My heart is mayhem

But I love it

We have finally become perfect

The two of us, us, us

As Taehyun falls back into their starting position, and the track ends along with Beomgyu's last vocalization, he can't help but immediately burst into a giant grin. The crowd, the ones closest to them, give them a standing ovation. The shouting seems to last longer than the performance did.

He wants to rush toward his classmates and grandparents, to tell them his appreciation. But first, he lets himself get lost in a group hug. He huddles with his four brothers and ends the night with the motto they came up with last night.

"Let's stay together, tomorrow as well!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Taehyun swears that the entrance to the art hall opens a bit. He makes out blond hair, circular sunglasses, and red lips. But the door closes so fast that he starts to doubt his senses. Could he be so happy that he's dreaming of Taylor's return?

A/N: Still waiting for the fandom name, haha. Hopefully by the time you're reading, it's been announced :p. I hope everyone's summer is going well. Stay happy and hopeful!

 Stay happy and hopeful!

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