Chapter 16 - Soobin

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If Soobin could describe the events of the next couple of days, it would be difficult not to use the word intense multiple times.

At seven am, they are awakened by the noise of trumpets, and Soobin can't help but clutch his skull and bury his head deeper into his pillow. As he rooms alone, he has no one to drag him out of bed—so eventually he must force himself to stand. With such a rude awakening, there's no time for him to mourn Jay or think about what he could have done. Those thoughts have been slammed aside with Camp Heartbroken's hammer, and all that matters is heading to breakfast on time.

Singing practice comes as follows, as Taylor's instructions grow more specific, as she hones in on each member of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. She tells Soobin that he has a stable voice, and to continue his vocal development by experimenting with runs, riffs, and falsetto.

After a few hours of practice, they are expected to exercise as a group, running uphill a mile's way to the beginning of the Wa'ahila Ridge Trail. They are quiet during their first run, but every time after they chide and tease each other, cheering whenever they pass a milestone—a jutting rock that means they're halfway there, a fallen branch that means they're not too far from the trail's beginning. Of course, the descent comes easier than the climb, but nonetheless Soobin can feel his cheeks growing red and swollen from the exertion.

After lunch—which Taylor always has steaming and ready for them—they head to the basement, where a dancing room has been constructed with walls of mirrors and polished, wood floors. They are trained by one of Taylor's head choreographers, Mike Kuang.

"Knees and arms tighter!" he shouts, during one particularly long session. "When you raise your hands above your heads, be aware of your angles!"

Most of the time, Soobin believes his dancing is a whole disaster. But he makes sure to encourage his team. "Soon we'll be performing flawless routines in front of thousands," he says, making himself believe his own words. Despite his self-doubt, he must believe in his new identity. After all—his teammates have appointed him as leader, and he can't let them down.

Before dinner is served, Taylor gives them personal media training.

"You have to be aware that after this camp, you're going to be scrutinized by the public." She wears round glasses that match with a blouse and pencil skirt, and she taps a lens for emphasis. "I'm here to make sure you're fully prepared. I'll teach you to reach deep within yourself, and find the person you want to become and portray."

Soobin raises his hand, suddenly feeling as if he's in summer school. "What if we're not sure about who we want to be known as yet?"

Taylor points to the chalkboard, tapping against it once to create a single dot of white. "Do you remember our very first activity? We'll have a bunch more of those. Camp Heartbroken isn't just an intense program to become a singer. It's also about healing yourself. When your hearts are whole again, you'll have no doubt about your group's mission."

On the first night of media training, each boy shares a deeper story of why they are here. Soobin's eyes burn when he realizes how deeply his team members are hurt, and although he avoids crying, his throat is raw and dryer than a basketball court in the summer. On the second night, Taylor instructs them to share another story—this time one they believe gives them hope. Soobin shares a story of when his parents gifted him with a high-end microphone for his computer, when they didn't have much money during Christmas.

On the third night, Taylor begins with a story about herself. She speaks on her very first boyfriend, who caught her eye in high school.

"I was young," she starts. "I met him in math class because we had a seat next to each other. I still remember our first interaction, how he asked for an eraser and then my name right after. It was fast moving, and he became my everything very quickly. Nothing else mattered to me but getting his attention and letting him know how much I cared....

"We spent every class together, every break and lunch. We shared sandwiches and secrets, and for the first time I thought I was in love.

"When I found that he was interested in another girl, I was crushed. This was the first time I recall ever being heartbroken."

Her face droops for a moment, but immediately after it's replaced with a smile, a gleam of hope radiating from her eyes. "Let's end early for tonight."

Soobin raises his brows—the story has only taken ten minutes, and they still have more than an hour left. He was beginning to look forward to sharing more of himself to his team members.

Taylor doesn't give them any time for questions. She only writes CAMP! across the chalkboard in huge letters, ones that reach from the top to bottom borders. "Since tomorrow is Saturday, we are beginning the first main activity. There will be one every weekend until camp is over."

This time, Huening Kai is the one to raise his hand. He quickly brushes away some black fur that sticks to his sweater's sleeve. "Wait. What exactly should we pack?"

Taylor shrugs. "It's meant to be a secret. But pack what you'll need for two overnight stays! Hmm, I sure hope it doesn't rain."

A/N: The music video for Nap of a star was just released! What do you guys think of it? I love the concept even though I'm easily scared of many things :P. Also an update: I didn't talk much about my reason for creating this book, as I did in my introduction chapter. I am healing but it still hurts to think of my first love. no matter, fighting! 

 no matter, fighting! 

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