Chapter 37 - Huening Kai

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Sesame is still back in Camp Heartbroken. Although TXT is only allowed one more week of stay in the cabin, the kitten is unaware of the coming move. He's most likely resting in his favorite spot, between the middle cushion of the living room couch. His chest is rising and falling, and his nose quivers on some enticing scent that's either real or imagined. He's safe in a large home with endless space to explore and rooms the boys have ensured are safe for an animal less than six pounds.

Although his parents, friends, and fans are in the audience, Huening Kai can't help but think of Sesame most of all. Two months ago, he was just a tiny fluff ball about to freeze from the outdoor cold. Now, he's growing and healthy. Despite a scare from a feline cold, Sesame is expected to live a long and healthy life.

But Yeonjun's words sparked a sort of freedom within Kai. He shouldn't need his pet to give him security in who he is. He must find the will to live within himself. He'll believe in the love he's given, having faith to keep him going long past all the coming losses.

But tonight, it's so hard not to think of the gains.

Starting of Cat & Dog, Kai channels his best expressions that hover between the realm of cool and cute. He's always thought of himself to be like a cat, with an easy charm, and this is the perfect song to match his personality. Despite performing four songs prior, his energy is still in full gear. He strides across the stage and delivers all the moves he's learned throughout Camp. When the song finishes, Huening Kai could collapse. But it isn't out of exhaustion at all. Rather, the excitement like lava in his veins could cause his fuse to totally burst.

I really performed for eight thousand people. They enjoyed our songs and danced to them like it was the soundtrack to their lives. Is looking calm even an option right now?

Kai lets out a few whoops to join the crowd. He raises his hand high to greet the audience at the upper seats, and he grabs the fabric near his heart to make sure his appreciation is noticed. If he could, Kai would meet every one of his fans in person to hug them with his tightest grip possible.

He almost rolls backwards and faints when Taylor begins to make her way to the stage. She walks up the side stairs while the crowd is a mixture of stunned silence and even louder applause. She heads to Huening Kai first, gesturing to the mic. When he gives it to her, his heart is hammering in the most positive way.

"Hi everyone," she says, her voice quiet at first. "I came to congratulate these boys. I'm so proud of TOMORROW X TOGETHER. But first of all, they deserve my apology. I left them when they needed me. Yeonjun, Soobin, Huening Kai, Taehyun and Beomgyu, I'm so sorry for not being there in the final weeks."

Her voice becomes more powerful as she goes on, as if she's learned to absorb the energy of the audience. "I know that you performed five songs today. But there is one more on the album that is absolutely gorgeous. It touched my heart, and I know that it will touch everyone who listens."

"So...." She smiles at Kai and to his teammates. "I have a big favor to ask. It's also a sort of peace offering, something to say that I wish I would've handled my breakup differently. TOMORROW X TOGETHER, you make up the strongest five boys I know. And I would like all five of you to join me. To sing all six of your songs on the first leg of my world tour."

The emotion in Kai's chest becomes a swirling tornado made up of stars and feathers. Even without a mic, he jumps up and down and begins to scream yes. His lack of volume is immediately made up by Soobin, who of course accepts the offer with laughter of shock as well as buzzing joy.

"I'll let you say your final words," says Taylor, before heading back down to join Mike and DJ Gee.

Kai says a big mishmash of everything stated by the members before him. "Thank you all so much for coming to our first concert. I love you! Please make sure to look after your health. I couldn't be more grateful or happy."

Every word is true, and he would repeat them a thousand more times if it could cause his fans to look within themselves and find magic.

Back at Camp Heartbroken, before even learning of their first destination, Kai begins to throw everything he owns into a single luggage. He makes room for his plushies and jams out to Yeonjun's hip-hop playlist. He knows they'll have to leave soon, and he must be prepared in every way possible.

If anything, he knows for sure that his heart is ready.

A/N: Going back to Seoul tomorrow to start my summer school! How is everyone else's summer going, or whatever season you're in? Thank you for taking the time to read my story <3. 


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