Chapter 17 - Huening Kai

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Huening Kai's excitement makes him wake up earlier than expected, just a few minutes after the sun completely rises. As always, he raises his arms in an outstretched gesture, wishing for a giant ball of fluff to jump into his arms. And as expected, nothing happens. Curly is gone from the world completely. To see him again, he must live his full life... and only after he dies will he even have the chance of being reunited—

Suddenly, a tiny meow is emitted from underneath his covers. Kai's grief is evaporated as he reaches across his sheets and comes in contact with a purring, soft ball.

"Sesame," he whispers. Yesterday, with the help of the boys, they've finally given the kitten a name. Of course, it was Kai who eventually approved. He thinks it's fitting for a boy who's growing more active and curious by the moment.

Sesame untangles himself from the sheets, curling up against Kai's chest as if he's fully accepted the role of his new protector. Kai thinks he could lay here for another few hours, feeling the delicate rise and fall of his kitten's chest. His new family member.

But he knows, with their first major activity taking them away for the weekend, he has a new challenge to face. He'll have to speak to Taylor.

So he extricates himself from the comforts of his mattress, peering once out toward the pines and the sun's warming glow over the island. He holds Sesame close to his chest, rocking him gently so he doesn't sink his claws through Kai's shirt or wield his developing teeth—which are coming through like freshly smelted daggers.

He makes it all the way past the living and music room, nearing Taylor's door. He knocks a few times, only making the soft sound of his knuckles brushing against wood. For a second, he's expecting no response. If anything, he'll become much too nervous and end up rushing back to Yeonjun, his tail tucked between his legs.

But from the other side, an angry cat—either Meredith or Olivia—responds with a hiss that could chill any person's skin.

"Quiet down, girls," Taylor soothes. "Quiet down."

Miraculously, the noise is replaced with deadpan silence, as if Kai's imagined the past few seconds in his head. Then, the door opens to reveal Taylor dressed in a silk nightgown. She closes the door behind her but puts one finger against her lips beforehand, as if she's mastered the art of communicating with her cats. She looks as if she's just awakened, and her smile is warm when her gaze lands upon Huening Kai.


Then her voice stops when she realizes what's pressed against Kai's white t-shirt. He stands out in stark relief, offering his emerald gaze to the head of Camp Heartbroken. A rolling mewl follows along with an outstretched paw. Taylor responds with the warmest sigh, her cheeks naturally raising as she extends a hand to stroke Sesame's tiny head.

Huening Kai explains before Taylor's good mood is spoiled. "I found him outside on the first night. He looked really small and weak, so I decided to take him in. I hope you don't mind that. And it looks like he's growing up okay. If it's alright with you—"

"He's so cute!" Taylor interrupts, sharing a widened grin with Kai. "What's his name?"

"Sesame," Kai says, relief easing his shoulders. "The boys and I came up with it together." Taylor nods, offering to take the kitten in her own arms. "If you let me hold this little guy, I'll forgive you for keeping the secret."

A few minutes pass of doting over a sleepy Sesame, and Kai has never felt an acceptance more inviting than the one over him now—like a warm cloud enveloping his frame. He knows with the deepest fragment of his soul that he's fully accepted here. In Camp Heartbroken, he won't be judged for finding his own way to heal.

Taylor understands without asking anything more. "I'll take good care of him while you and the team are gone. Remember the motto we were talking about?"

"We'll be together tomorrow too," Huening Kai recites, the syllables like honey on his tongue.

Taylor points to Sesame than back to Kai's forehead. "You two will be together for a long time, I can tell. Now, go get your team ready. Just between you and me, these two nights are going to be a bit more difficult than usual."

A/N: This chapter was so heartwarming to write! I can't wait to share what I have next with you all. TXT fighting! 

 TXT fighting! 

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