~=•=~One by one~=•=~

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Third POV

"Cross, come here please." Call Dream. Cross nodded his head. Nightmare looked at Cross. Geno looked at the riddles. "What thus it's means?" Asked him.

The true self ...
is under the cold water...
Soon or later,
His true self will show ,
This is your final blow...
Before Cthulhu wake ,
Or he will fade.
He will reveal,
His final secret of sea.
The siren queen...
And the rulers of the dark dim.

Nightmare  was speechless for a moment. " The fuck?" cursed Geno. Nightmare looked at Cross. The other pirate too.  Cross was busy talking with Dream. Than, Cross nodded his head and went towards them back.

"What did i miss?" asked him. Nightmare just smiled. He put the riddles into his pocket. "It said we will find the treasure soon." Nightmare kept his smiled, received a chuckled from Cross.

"If that so, captain. Also... your brother ask me to ask you whether you want to stay here for a days until tomorrow dawn." asked Cross. Nightmare just nodded. "Sure." Cross just smiled and went back to Dream.

Geno looked at Nightmare. "Why wont you tell him about the riddles?" asked him in confusion. Nightmare just sighed.

"There is something that he need to tell us before we tell him." said Nightmare. Suddenly, Ink and Fresh came and approached Nightmare and Geno.

"Yo Cap. The King want to show us our room. May us go?" asked Ink. Nightmare just nodded. "Also Cap. You freaking cute in those form and those tiny crown." said Fresh. Nightmare just rolled his eyes. "So? You jelly?" said him. Fresh just chuckled. "Me? I thought you are the one who was jelly here. Exspecially when we talk to your Cross." said Fresh again.

Nightmare face was red then usual.  He walked away while mumbling. "Whatever..." said him. Ink and Fresh just laughed.

"Got him." cheered them.

With Cross...| His POV

" I already prepared a room for all of you. Also Cross... I know who you are." Said Dream.

I kept my mouth shut. Of course he know. Every kingdom make a promise with us. A human, monster , siren , mermaid , Atlantis people, dragon , phoenix and other.... all of us. Making the same promise.

Dream just smiled. "Your room is next of the big pool. It was prepared for you." said him and go away. I  just stayed silent. I walked towards the stairs and went to the fourth floor of the castle. Finally, I found the pool.

I sighed heavily. I took of my jacket, left me with only short and black turtle neck shirt. Slowly, I entered the water. My bare legs was touching with the cold water as it slowly glowing fade white.

I let the water to swallow my body into the deeper part. I sink. But I breath.

I closed my eyes as my back touched the cold floor. I layed down. Silent... Only the water. I opened my eyes as I staring at my legs.

No. My tails. A shining purple tails. I sighed heavily. Its was a long story... Oh if I could only believe.

"Cross? Are you there?" Holy shit. Who is coming?! They cant see me in this form. They totally can not!.

I swam a little bit closer to the surface and saw Reaper and Geno walking together. Geno was searching for someone. Maybe me while Reaper just stayed silent.

"Geno. What are you looking for?" asked Reaper. Geno sighed. "Cross. I believe he is the one that the riddles mention. It just... he wont show his true self to us. How suppose we show him the riddles ?" said Cross. I stayed silent.

"But maybe you should reveal yourself...Prince Geno or may I call... The Keeper Of Soul?" said Reaper with a slow voice. Geno was silent. I stayed underwater. Shocked.

"How do you know?"

Reaper just chuckled. He walked around Geno and hold Geno hands. Then, there is a little red spark from Geno hands.

"How many?" asked Reaper to Geno. "Many what?" asked Geno back. "Those Soul. All the soul of the other sea creatures. How many?" said Reaper again.

Geno stayed silent. "More then thousand...'' said him. Reaper just smiled. "So prince. I think that is the reason why Cross should believe you. You save his people and others too. Right, Cross?" said Reaper while looking into the pool. I sighed heavily and went back to the land. Geno looked surprised. I change into my normal form.

"Im glad . But... those soul... its wont come for free. Am I right?" Geno nodded slowly. "The keys is inside of the dark dim. Where the curse seal within. Where your nightmare come true..." mumbled Geno.

Reaper and I stayed silent. "Also... Im the only one who can let those souls escape. With a sacrifice of a half of my soul. " said Geno. But, then he looked away.

"Sadly. My soul only left half. Because once... I did manage to get into the dark dim and well..." said him again. I looked at him. The glitch on his eyes slowly faded as he reveal his melting eyes. I gasped in shocked. Reaper also was shocked.

He stared into Geno eyes. Geno just looked away. "Well. The truth is... the sea monster... is already awake from death."

With Nightmare...

Nightmare was walking around the castle with Error and his new crew. "So... Captain. How long will you stay in those form? " asked Lust while poking into Fell. Nightmare just shrugged. " Until the night of the two moon." said Nightmare. Error looked at Nightmare.

"Wait. You never tell me this!" said him. Nightmare stared at him. "So? Its not important, there is no right for you to know it!" said him with a little but rage.

"Of course I do! This is fucking important, captain! " shouted Error back angrily.

"For what reason, huh?!"

"I AM YOUR FIRST MATE, CAPTAIN!" shouted him. Nightmate stayed silent. Lust and Fell looked at them silently.

Error breath heavily and slowly looked away. "I thought... I finally get your trust... I trust you.. Captain...." said him with a cracked voice and walked away. Nightmare looked down.

"I need space." said him. Lust and Fell just nodded. They left Nightmare alone.

Now, he was all alone. In the huge garden... with himself...

Or maybe not.


Hey... Guys. Sorry. I was busy. Im going to having my huge exam in a few month. I had no time for wattpad. Even i uninstall my tumblr , pinterest, instagram, pinterest and amino. Haha... also... I still having my therapy... with myself. But honestly. Thank you for be with me... Im sorry if i wasting the Comment that you guys gave me.

But like what people said.

Scar will fade.
But memory will still be there.

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