Part 8

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- What happened? Why were you yelling Sam? - Cas asked, appearing from thin air, even though he doesn't have his wings anymore.
Sam smiled, winked at Cas and said:
- I will leave you two to talk. - and with that, he glared at his brother to silently tell him to tell the truth and left.

- Okaayy - said unsure Angel.
- We should sit - suggested Hunter.
- Sure. Sam said that we should talk. What did he mean? And talk about what?
- Sam and I, we were talking about yesterday. How much I remember. How much do you remember? - Dean asked even though he knows the answer.
Castiel looked at him shyly and quietly said:
- Everything.

At that Dean smiled brightly and said:
- I remember almost everything from last night but not how I get to bed after arriving in my room and closing the doors.

When Angel heard the first words he was sad but when he heard all of it, it took him a moment to register the meaning of those words. Then he was relieved but soon that changed to worrying. Dean noticed that and added:
- I talk with Sam about you and how you felt about yesterday after I went to bed and today. And you shouldn't be worry that I regret anything that happened last night because I don't and what I said then was true. And I want to be your friend but I also want more too.
At that Cas smile brightly:
- R-really? - he asked shyly, slightly unsure.
- Yes, of course. We will have to talk a little more about everything but that we do after breakfast because I'm starving. - he smirked.
- Of course. - Angel smiled softly at Dean's enthusiasm.

During breakfast, they made small talks, then they decided to go for a walk and talk more. Even though Dean doesn't like talking about feelings he has to because it's to work thru everything and finally be happy. Until they told everything that they feel and what musted to be told and it was already 8 pm. They didn't notice that until Dean's stomach started to growl. Then decided to go back to bunker. 

After they were inside the bunker Cas said:
- We should sleep with that and if there will be something more to talk about we will do that tomorrow.
- That's a good idea. - after they walk to Dean's room he asked, smiling shyly - Will you stay with me tonight?
Angel squint his eyebrows and blush crept on his face. Dean noticed that and he thought about how it sounded like and he blushed himself.
- Not like that, Cas. I know you didn't sleep but will you stay with me like you did that in good old days?
Castiel wanted to vanish because of this situation. But after a second he answered:
- Um, sure. - he smiled.

They walk inside the Deans room. Hunter took off his jacket, flannel shirt, henley, boots, socks, and jeans and laid on his bed, while Castiel sat in his chair in which he sat many times before (even if Dean didn't know about that).
- Thank you. - said softly Dean, then added - Night, Cas.
- Sleep well - answered with smile Cas.

It took Dean only a few minutes to be asleep. Angel closed his eyes and started to think about what happened in the last few weeks. He thought about everything from Michael to Dean's confession.

Dean was asleep for two hours before his nightmares started. Cas didn't notice that at first because of his closed eyes. What let him know that something is not right was the sound of his name.
When Castiel opens his eyes he saw that on the Hunter was a thin sheet of sweat, that he has a grimace on his face like he was in a lot of pain and was thrashing in his bed. Angel was observing him for a short time before he heard heavy breaths and Dean's mumbled words:
- Cas... help... I don't... to... Castieelll... save me... I... - and then the worst what Cas heard - Please...- in pleading voice and then tear appear on Dean's cheek.

Castiel decided to come closer to bed to comfort Hunter.  He sad on the bed near Dean's body, laid his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly and started quietly telling hunter softly:
- I'm right here Dean, I'm right beside you. You are safe now. I will always be by your side. It's only a bad dream. I'm right here and I am not going anywhere. I'm here.
During those words, Dean calmed a little, but then when Cas took his hand Hunter grasped his hand in his and mumbled:
- Don't leave me.
Cas looked at Dean and softly said:
- I'm here and I'm not leaving.

At that Dean scooted closer to Angel and hugged him around his waist. On that Cas was a little confused for a second but then he carefully laid down and hugged Dean back. He squeezed him a little tighter. Cas has a small smile on his face, watching his Hunter calmed and relaxed into him.

Nightmares left Dean alone for the rest of the night and he slept really good for the first time in a long time.

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