Part 9

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Dean started stirring in Castiel's arms. For a second he was confused, then scared that he was hugging someone and that someone was hugging him back but then he relaxed when he noticed trench coat. He smiled, looked up and blue and green mixed. They were staring in each other's eyes for a long moment then.

After a long staring Hunter quietly and softly said:
- Hey, Cas.
- Hello Dean. - answered Angel smiling softly. Then there was silence he added - I think that you want to know why we are lying here and hugging. - Dean nodded - You had really bad nightmares and you started talking. You were saying my name, then asking for my help and to save you, so I sat near you, touching your shoulder and telling you that I'm here. After that, you calmed a little but when I wanted to move you took my arm and you asked me not to leave. When I said that I wouldn't go you started hugging me. You were in an uncomfortable position, so I carefully laid down and you hugged me tighter. After that, you calmed down completely and your nightmares were gone.

At that Dean blushed really hard (like highschooler after kissing their crush) and said a little embarrassed :
- Thank you, Cas.
- It was my pleasure. - Angel smiled softly.
With that they laid there in silence, holding each other even closer.

When they finally get out of bed they walk together to the library to see that everyone were there and currently was looking at them.
Sam was first to talk:
- So you two talk yesterday? - he asked with a smile on his face.

Dean and Cas looked at each other at the same time and together answered:
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- Okay. Awesome. We have cases so we are going and you two are staying here. Alone. - Sam said and winked at Dean. Then he walked closer to his brother and whispered to him - I saw you two together in bed this morning. You two look cute together when you didn't hide from each other. Have fun when we are out. - at that, he smirked.
- Sam... - said a little embarrassed Dean.
But his younger brother quickly added:
- Don't hurt him, please. You two deserve to be happy, better together than not. - with that, he quickly left. The rest of the hunters started lowly followed him and go on their cases.

After a moment Dean collected all his nerves together and asked Cas:
- Castiel, will you go out with me? - he asked almost too quickly, but the Angel heard it.
Blue eyed man was a little surprised and confused but asked:
-  Go out with you? - he squinted his eyes and tilted his head (in that adorable way). After a second he added: - Where? Do you need anything?
- No. Will you go out with me on a Date? - he asked with hope and smiled shyly.
- On a date? - Cas asked only to confirm if he heard correctly.
Dean blushed a little and nodded.
Angel smiled and said:
- Of course, I will go on a date with you. When?
- Now?
Castiel only smiled and show Dean to go first. They went to the Impala and drives out of the Bunker.

After a short time, they arrived at the local diner. For a short time, it was awkward but then they started talking, smiling and laughing, even giggling at stupid jokes that they both said. They both ate breakfast, even though Cas didn't normally eat, he did this time and was glad because that smile on Dean's face was worth it.

When they arrived back at the bunker Hunter suggested watching a movie. Cas asked for one of the Disney movies. Dean couldn't say no to him and only smiled agreeing on it. They end up watching Frozen on Dean's room. When they started watching it they were sitting on opposite ends of the bed but slowly started levitate closer to each other. In the middle of the movie they were sitting close, Cas without trench coat, suit jacket and shoes, and Dean in his t-shirt, flannel, and jeans on. Angel asked questions when he didn't understand something, Dean calmly answered all questions. When the movie was close to an end Hunter had his arm around Angel's shoulders and Cas was snuggled in Dean's side with head in his shoulder.
After Frozen they watch Tangled and Wall-E.

After watching movies, Dean was hungry but got a message from Sam with asking to look something in books. Angel noticed that and said that he will look and Dean should make himself something to eat.

10 minutes later Hunter was back from the kitchen and noticed that Cas was talking with someone on the phone. Then he heard:
- That's all, Sam. Okay. You are welcome, bye.
- That was Sam? - Dean asked.
- Yes, I found what he wanted - Cas smiled.
- Good. Do you want one? - Dean asked Cas motioning on the sandwiches on the plate in his hands.
Angel took one and thanked him. They ate in quiet. They talk about Sam's case. Then about everything and nothing to spend some time in a nice company.

When Dean looked at the time on his phone he frowned.
- It's late - Dean said. In fact, it was almost 10 pm. - Will you watch me tonight too?
- Of course, Dean.
- Ok. I will take a quick shower and be in the room shortly.
Cas only smiled.

15 minutes later Dean walks to his room in t-shirt and pajama bottoms on. He smiled when he saw Angel sitting on the chair in the corner of the room. Dean walked to his closet and took another t-shirt and pj bottoms. Cas looked at him curiously.
- What? I want you to be comfortable. - he smiled and handed it to Castiel. With that, he left the room - change in here and call me when you're done.

5 minutes later Hunter heard Cas calling him. When he walked in his room he couldn't help smiling brightly. Angel looked cute in his clothes which were slightly too big for him.

After looking at each other Dean stepped closer to Cas and asked:
- Can I kiss you?

Angel was shocked but he nodded shyly. 

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