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Since their first night together passed almost 2 years and many things changed.

Jack's grace and soul are fully back, people from apocalypse Earth stayed but moved out of the bunker and started live normal again without fear. Claire moved into the Bunker to stay close to Castiel. Mary and Bobby are good friends with the possibility of something more.

Castiel and Dean had many fights but their anger for one another never lasted more than 48 hours. When they argue really bad, Cas stayed nights in his old room and wouldn't talk to Dean. Hunter always apologizes, even if it wasn't his fault. He's doing it because with every day he loves his Angel more and more.

To Sam, the most important thing that happened is that Gabriel, the archangel is back. Jack brought him back after his grace was restored. The Nephilim did that because he saw how Sam reacted every time when someone mentioned the Trickster. After that Gabriel being himself was always flirting with Sam. Sometimes Sam flirted back, but mostly he was giving the Archangel his famous bitch-face. But what no one knows is that some time ago Sam gave up and the two of them started dating.

After so much time without anything going bad, something happened.

Right now Castiel is again sitting in his old room for 6th day in a row and isn't moving unless to lay down. Cas is there not because of something bad happened, there wasn't even a fight between him and Dean. No. He is sitting there scared and afraid of what would Hunter tell him if the reason for Angel's silence. Dean, on the other hand, is worried about his lover and their anniversary which is on the next day. In his head, he is looking for a reason why Cas closed himself out.

Tomorrow will be two years since they get together. Hunter being himself didn't want to celebrate that, but after talking with Sam and seeing Castiel's behavior he planed the perfect date. Dinner, walk and cuddle in bed till they fall asleep. But he isn't sure if this will happen because Cas didn't leave the room even didn't speak more than a few Yes and No here and there as answeres to questions if he is there.

Dean tried to get Castiel out of the room but nothing worked and after few ties the decided to just give him time.

When the night od their anniversary arrived, Dean begged the Angel to come out. Castiel did whet he was asked for. On his face were dried tears and fear in his eyes.
- What happened Angel? - Dean asked softly, more worried about his lover.
- You will hate me when I tell You. - was the answer which he got.
- I couldn't hate you even if I wanted.
- You will.... - whispered Cas.

After hearing the Angel so broken Hunter decided to change the subject, trying to take his mind off the thing that had Cas spiraling
down on his mind.
- Do you know what day is today? - he asked.
Castiel looked at his shoes.
- Yes, today is our anniversary - said quickly.
- Yes, you are right. Now come with me to the kitchen. I planned our anniversary date.
- OK. - now Cas thought that this will be their last date, last night together.

When they come into the Dean helped the Angel sit down and served the dinner. They ate in silence, looking at each other when the other wasn't looking. The food was delicious. 

-So... - Dean broke the silence.
- You want to know what is happening whit me. - said Cas.
- Of course, I want to know. I love you and you shut me and everyone else down for the last week. - Hunter stopped for a second and then said - Castiel, please look at me, and tell me what's wrong, what is scaring you so much that you feel the need to cut us out?
When Castiel looked up at Dean he focused on his beautiful green eyes and after a moment with a serious expression on his face he stuttered:
- I-I...
- You what Cas? What is it? - asked Hunter and then he added - You don't want to be with me anymore? - In his head that was the only explanation for this whole situation.
- What? No! That's not it. Of course, I want to be with you, I love you with my whole being, but after what I will tell you, you wouldn't want to be with me anymore.

Dean looked at him, disbelieving what he was hearing and told:
- The only thing that will cause me to live you is death or your choice. - after a moment he asked - So what is this that makes you think that I will leave you?
- I-I... - Cas took a deep breath and said - I'm pregnant.

Dean blinked then laughed out loud. After a moment he looked at Angel's serious face, which started to break with hurt and stopped laughing to ask:
- You're not joking?
- No. - was the only thing that left Castiel's lips with tears in his blue eyes.

Hunter was looking at him for a long moment then he started smiling. His smile was growing bigger and bigger the longer the thought of the child in Angel's stomach was swirling in his head. Then in a moment, Dean was in front of Castiel on his knees, Angel's hands in his own and at that angel looked at Dean.
- Castiel, you don't know how happy I am that we will be parents. I always wanted to have a family. But I never thought that it will be possible with how our lives look like. - He said seriously, then he softly asked - But how is that even possible? You are both a man.

Castiel looked Dean in the eyes and said:
- Dean, I'm an angel, so that I'm genderless. True, my vessel is male, but because of my true form is making everything possible - said angel then added - with or without my knowledge of it.
 - Ok. - said still smiling Dean, looking at their clasped hands he thought of the birth, then his smile felt - Will y-you die after the birth of the child?
Cas looked at Dean and smiled softly:
- No, but probably I will lose some of my grace but  I will be fine.

At that looking in each other eyes, both were smiling. After what felt like hours they kissed. Some of the tears felt from their eyes. Breaking their kiss they touched their foreheads together smiling like fools.

After some time they both stood up and walk to their bedroom. On the way there they met Gabe and Sam.
Gabriel looked at them and startling everyone he screamed:
- Congratulations!
Sam was looking at him for a moment and asked:
- What?
Then Gabriel looked up  in his eyes and told him:
- Cassie here is with a kid. We will be uncles. - smiling brightly
Sam turned to look at Dean and asked:
- Really?
- Really Sammy - said Older brother with a big smile on his face.
Sam smiled and said:
- Congrats guys. I'm happy for you.
With that, Gabe took Sam's hand and took him somewhere in the bunker.

After that Dean and Cas went to their room, changed in some comfortable clothes and layed down on their bed with Castiel on this back and Hunter with his head over his heart. Dean laid his hand on Angel's stomach and started softly rubbing skin there. Dean looked up in Castiels eyes and said:
- I love you so, so much, my Angel.
- I love you too, my Hunter. - Cas said to him.

Both of them thought: " The best anniversary ever"

With that, they fell asleep. In each other arms, right where they belong.


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