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warnings: swearing, implied use of drugs, cheating and sex, angst

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warnings: swearing, implied use of drugs, cheating and sex, angst


"In the studio today...singer (Y/N) Mercury!" Kenny spoke in the microphone, continuing, "So what have you got today for us?"

Right after you all had left and quit from Foster's hold, All the boys, especially Brian was worried about what would be the outcome of the new album. You reassured him that you would take care of it, which is why you're at the radio station right now, with your good friend, Kenny Everett.

"Have you got a little taste of the new record?" Kenny reached over to the record in your hand, with a smug smile on his face.

You played along, twirling it around your fingers, "I'm really not supposed to."

"Oh, forbidden fruit? Don't tempt me," He said, before finally getting a hold of the record before reading the name written on it, "Oh, I'm in Love with My Car!"

You rolled your eyes, "Other side."

"Bohemian Rhapsody."

Behind the glass window separating the recording booth from the waiting area, Paul and Matthew sat on the couch, watching the two of you talking to each other.

"I didn't know (Y/N) knew Kenny so well," Matthew spoke up, looking at the pair with a blank stare.

Paul chuckled, "Nor did I."

"The BBC won't play it. In fact, no one will play it on the radio so EMI won't release it," You said, twirling the glass of champagne in your hand.

Matthew stood up from his seat, and walked closer to the window to get a better view. Though, he noticed something peculiar, he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"What's wrong with this song?" Kenny asked.

"Nothing's wrong with it at all," You leaned closer, speaking in a lower voice, "Except that it's six minutes long."

"Six minutes?"

"You'd have to be mad to play it," You smirked.

Kenny squinted his eyes at you, "Oh, you'd have to be bonkers."

"I positively forbid it."

Matthew continued to watch by the window, you sending him some smiles here and there, and he would smile back, but he could sense something was wrong.

"Let's hear it!" Kenny said, before clinking your glasses together, "Ladies and ladies, a Capital Radio exclusive for the first time ever...Bohemian Rhapsody!"

Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

The song definitely received a lot of reviews, most of them negative, describing the song as meandering and meaningless, pompous and overlong, or calling your own band, a wannabe Led Zeppelin.

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