~Chapter twenty-six ~ Skye

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"Well I guess I have to wait until Lieutenant Foster returns for my ride to Inverness," I broke the silence as I took a sip of the claret.
"Or not," Randall leaned back. "But we can use our time to talk,"
"About what?" I asked nervous as is shifted in my chair.
"Well do tell me, why I found you in the middle of the forest. Broad daylight. In your shift," he said with a hint of kindness, curiosity and hostility in his voice.
"Well as I told your commander, I was a survivor of a shipwreck," I told him. "As I tried to dry my gown, I met a few redcoats who tried to attack me, I only got away just in time,"
"And instead of running to a village you decide to run into a forest?" He asked as he leaned forwards on the table.
"I didn't know the way," I defended myself. "I thought I would end up eventually in a village."
"I doubt that men in this army would harm a innocent woman," he rubbed his chin and I tought quickly of something.
"They looked like deserters," I lied and I saw him looking at me in disbelieve.
"And what made you think that Madame?" He asked with a piercing look and I swallowed.
"The coats they where wearing looked ripped and they didn't wore any weapons," I sketched the profile of my so called attackers. "Also they looked that hadn't shaved in days."
"Hmh?" Randall sat back. "Now explain why you ran away from me."
"What would you do if you just got out the situation I was in," I protested. "I tought you were going to attack me to,"
He stood up and walked towards the window. "Instead of going back to take help and protection of the British you decided to go with the scavengers," he turned around. "What made you think they wouldn't harm you?"
I swallowed again. "Because they didn't."
"That is not the question," he planded his fist with forse on the wooden windowsill. "Why did you go with the Highlanders?"
"Well that is my answer," I said stubborn because I didn't know the true answer to be honest myself.
I had seen Jamie and his blue eyes and the way he talked had seem soothing enough to trust him blindly.
"Don't make me use other methodes to question you," he threathend and I crossed my arms.
"I tought you where a noble man and now you are threathing a woman to beat her if she doesn't tell you what you wanted to hear." I said and he turned around.
His eyes widely open and his nose flares opened. The clear sign he was angry but I was not intimidated by him.
"You realise your time dare is making you a enemy to the crown, spending time with those traitors," he said suprisingly calmly.
"What made you imply that?" I asked. "And as far as I know, your king is not mine king. I'm still a loyal subject of Stadtholder William V,"
"Subject of the Dutch or not your now on King George' his land." He looked at me. "And living together with those Jacobites made you a traitor just as big as they are,"
"I don't know nothing about Jacobites or if the Mackenzie's are them?" I lied as I fell him bow behind me.
"I see your pulse fasten," he laid his finger on the vein in my neck which was indeed heavly pulsing. "So tell me the truth dear, it saving you a lot of bruises and cuts. It might even save your life,"
A cold blade was pressed against it and I took a heavy breath. "I told you everything I know,"
"See there are some cracks in this entire story," The blade was removed and I released the breath I was holding. "Because my men figured out that Dougal was raising money for something and it was not for the rent,"
"I didn't pay attention to it, since I completely have nothing to do with it." I stood up. "For the love of god and all above. How many freaking time's do I have to say it. I ONLY WANT TO GO BACK TO INVERNESS!" The last part I screamed in total frustration that was build up since I was here.
He looked startled and then he smiled. "We'll then, we are going to Inverness." He said and I sighed in relieve.
As I walked towards him, he shot forward and hit me as hard as he could in my stomach area.
I bended forward and all the air that was in mine body released. Hardly replaced with new air I gasped for air like a goldfish out of the water.
As I fell on the ground he gripped the back of my hair pulling painfully my head up as I still had trouble breathing.
"I see darkness madame and those darkness I belong." He whispered. He letted me go just as the door opened. "Well private you just came in time," I laid now flat on the ground holding my stomach while the pain rushed through my body.
"What have you done?" I heared a voice proclaime.
"Showing you and her some interrogation tactics," Randall sounded proud and I heared footsteps walking over to me.
"She looks in pain, she needs help," the young soldier stated.
"No, no," Randall clacked his tongue. "Now be a good soldier and kick her again for me,"
"Excuse me sir?" The soldier sounded startled.
"Don't make me ask it again before I do it to you," Randall said and that is when I felt hard kick of the boots in my stomach.
A soft groan escaped but that was not enough for Randall. "Harder. Let this Whore fell how it is to be beaten for treason,"
I harder kick followed and it was right where my womb was located.
Felling like a few knives where twisted there, I letted out a roaring scream.
"Now tell me what you know and this end and you free to go," Randall said in my ear but I refuse to give in.
I heared the door open and footsteps running towards me.
"Step back ye sassenach scum," I was never so happy to hear Dougal' voice and felling his arms picking me up. "Dinna dare to come closer," he threatened.
I couldn't see what happed because I kept my eyes closed in pain. Dougal rushed me down the stairs and as I was lifted on a horse a lost my conscious.

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