~Chapter Fifty eight~ Skye

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Three days later Jenny trusted me with Maggie and I was now sitting with her outside on the stairs.
"Hello there," I whipsered to the one day old girl who sleeped peacefully in mine arms.
I hoped that one day I was holding mine own baby one day. With Jamie proudly beside me.
Speaking of him he still hasn't be back and I worried every second more and more.
Suddenly I heared a fuss and stood up. Seeing Ian coming back, carried between two men and then I noticed that his wooden leg was missing.
"Ian," I stood up and walked as fast as I could to him with Maggie in mine arms. "Ian? Where is Jamie?!"
"A'm sorry lassie, th' redcoats ambushed us," He said and wiped sweat of his forehead and I heared Jenny coming down the frontsteps.
"Ian, whit happend, urr ye okay?" She asked and took him over.
"Where did they take him?" I asked worried and demading.
"A dinna ken," Ian answered and then I made a plan in mine head.
"Mrs Crook. Get mine belonings! Rabbie fetch me a horse. Ian point me the point where you last saw him." I orderd and Jenny looked at me.
"Whit urr ye thinking yer aff tae dae?" she asked with her hands in her sides.
"I'm off to saw your brother' and mine husband' ass,"

Jenny didn't want me to go alone so she rode with me to the place Ian had pointed out.
"What will they do to Jamie?" I asked more to myself than her.
She didn't answer but she didn't need to.
With the map Ian provided us and the tracking skills of Jenny we quickly found the place.
"Oh god," I gagged as I saw to death bodies of which one the crows had eaten the eyes out.
Jenny pointed out she found some track again and we ascended the horses once more until it was time to stop to rest.
"'ere ye gang, ah wanted tae gie ye this afore Ian cam back." She gave me two bracelets made out of the tooths of a Boar. "They belonged tae mines mither. Bit noo it belongs tae th' guidwife o' th' laird."
I wanted to thank her but noises made us looke up. Without hesitation Jenny pressed a gun in mine hand and stood up.
I followed her to the edge of the hill, where we laid down and spotted an English camp.
Mister McQuarrie the man that had traveled with Jamie stood in the wagon, but there was no sign of Jamie. Which made me feel worse.
"What if they killed him?" I asked Jenny.
"Aye they wouldna," she answered and then she pulled me up when a English Soldier rode away.
While we rushed towards him she explained her plan and I listened carefully.
When we arrived on the spot I hided behind a tree and Jenny did the same only to fake faint when the English Soldier arrived.
He descended his horse and that was mine sign to pull mine gun.
"Where is the other Prisoner?" I asked as I clicked mine gun. "Where is the Highlander?"
"I don't answer to Scottish Slut'," he said and I placed mine foot heavy on his back.
"Good thing I'm Dutch than," I fired back. "But mine Sister in law is Scottish and she is not that kind." I looked at her and saw she was heating up an iron stick.
"I'm a courier," he quickly said when he saw it as well. "I don't know nothing. I'm just a courier,"
I bended down and ripped his side bag of his body, opening it, grabbed a letter and broke the seal. Quickly I scanned it and letted out a sight of relive.
"Jamie escaped," I said quickly and Jenny took the letter out of mine hand and ripped it.
"Noo nobody wid soucht him 'n' fur this yin," she pointed her gun at him.
"Jenny no," I quickly jumped in front of her.
"He kens we ur keekin fur Jamie, if we let him lee, he wull blether 'n' we baith hing afore we fin' Jamie," she said in protest in which I agree. But still it was an innocent man.
Suddenly I heared a sound of a man choking behind me and when I turned around I saw Murtagh sitting next to him. Holding a knife red with blood.
I looked at the English Soldier and then I trew up.

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