~Chapter Fourty Five~ Skye

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The dinning hall was filled with people as Jamie and I walked in a little too late, but just in time to see the big meatpie brought in with a Peacock on top. The duke had the honor to slice in it first and after that the welcoming speech of both the men followed.
"Maybe it was not a bad idea to show up later," I whispered in Jamie's ear and he reacted by pulling me closer towards him.
"Och efter this, ah wull defenitly shaw ye how bad th' idea o' skipping mines offer was," He treathed and I chuckled softly.
"I can't wait,"he reacted with a growl.
"Guid, fur noo ye ken how it feels for me, tis damn hard tae keep mines hands from wandering doon. Did ye really need tae tied this dress this thight?" He asked as his hands trailed mine spine to stop just above mine arse.
"Well Mrs Fitz did it," I patted his hand away. "Blame her."
"So this must be Mrs Fraser?" the duke interrupted us and I was glad he didn't started to talk about our meeting this morning.
I bowed before him with a grin on mine face, while Jamie stood proudly next to me.
"Greer, allow me tae introduce His Grace, th' Duke o' Sandringham," Jamie said and I smiled as the duke grabbed mine hand.
"An honor, Madam," The duke smiled and pressed a long kiss on mine hand and it took all mine strength to not pull it away and wipe of mine hand on the dress.
But I felt Jamie's look on mine face, he stood there proudly that he could introduce me as his wife, in hope that the Duke would understand how important it was to lift the price of Jamie's head, but I knew the change was little.
"Jamie, Would you like to get some wine for me," I smiled softly as the duke finally realised mine hand. "In the mean time the Duke and I get better acquainted," Jamie had finally told me what his deal was with the duke for lifting the price of his head. A duel.
"Of course, Excuse me," After a small pinch in mine hand and a bow with his head Jamie left and I could finally drop mine smile.
"You bastard," I started as I stepped closer to him. "You had to get your pund of flesh didn't you?"
"Merely a quid pro qou. You're familiar with the term? Simply means 'This for that," He said with a smile and It even took me more strenght than this morning to stop myself for slapping him in his face.
I was already not very populair here for what I did the first week here, but punching the duke would cost me a banishment from Leoch.
"I swear, if something happpes to Jamie, during that little duel of yours, Quid pro qou," I fired back as his smile dropped.
"Your concern for your husband is commendable, but may I point out that it is I that will be faced with the disagreeable end of a pistol," He said but I couldn't care less, he dragged Jamie into this and he would pay for it if Jamie got hurt. "So you'd better hope something bad wouldn't happen to me of this petition of your husband's will never reach London."
He got me with that and I didn't know how to react and I was glad he turnend around to walk away. With an uneasy feeling in mine stomach I hoped Jamie would return soon with the wine so I could drink it away, not caring less if I would get drunk or not.
Mine train of thoughts was stopped by a scream and as I looked up I saw the husband of Geillis fell to the ground while coughing. Mine history as company first aid provider made me rush towards him, ready to do resuscitation. but one look on him and I saw that foam was forming around his mouth.
"Turn him on his side!" I yelled to the men who also came rushing to me. "He is chocking!"
I slapped on his back to remove whatever blockage was in the way but it wouldn't help, as I turned him around on his back I felt no pulse in his wrist and I knew resuscitation wouldn't bring him back. I noticed Jamie sat infront of me but I turned my gaze towards Geillis.
She didn't looked grieving but her gaze was turned towards the other end of the hall and a quick look over mine shoulder told me she was staring at Dougal and than it hit me. Her lover was Dougal Mackenzie and the summoning in the forest wasn't a druid a dance, but some sort of Ill-wish, with Dougal's wife out of the way and now her Husband, they didn't have to be in a secret relationship anymore.
After a few minutes Geillis started to scream dramatically and she felt on the ground next to her death husband and while she did that I smelled the smell of poison around his mouth. the smell of Cyanide, the odor I smelled once during a sience field trip while I was on School.
I stood up and walked towards Jamie who immediately put his arm around me, without saying anything we watch the faking grieving Geillis and in the corner of mine eyes I saw a smiling Dougal and also that Colum saw the same.

"Ye ne'er tellt me ye whaur a healer," Jamie said while removing his clothing later that night in our room.
"I'm not, but I picked up a few things from our healer back in the Netherlands," I didn't techanically lie. "It's important to know what to do when somebody is chocking or has a Heartattack," I removed mine earrings and dived after that gladfully in a warm bed.
Jamie laid down next to me and pulled me closer. "Whit dae ye hae tae dae then? whin somebody as a heartattack?" He asked and I realised resuscitation was not invented yet, the methode I know whas invented in 1960.
But a little lesson couldn't do harm. So I pushed Jamie on his back and he looked shocked and also curious.
"First of all," I started. "You check if the person is breathing while you count to ten," I did the chinlift on him and bowed over his mouth and counted loud to ten, I heared him laugh a little and than I felt a kiss on mine cheek. "No Jamie, your dying," I laughed and sat up.
"Weel if th' first thing ah see whin ah come back is ye," he pinched mine ass. "Ah wid gladly die a few times mair,"
"Wait for the things I do more." I smiled teasing. "Then you fold your hands like this," I showed him and the teasing look of him made place for curiousty once more. "And you place it on the sternum, right where the heart is." I felt his steady hearthbeat under mine hands. "Press 30 times, deep, don't be afraid to break ribs," I did with him carefully but I saw his face turn into discomfert. "After that you lift the head of the person again, hold his nose closed," I did as I told. "The mouth is open now and all you have to do is place your mouth, open as well, on his mouth and gave him two deep breaths." I did it and then letted him go. "You do this pattern until you can't anymore or until the person is back to life."
Jamie looked impressed and than pulled me back to him once more. "Ah rather be alive whin ye kiss me, mó ghrádh." he whispered against mine lips and with that the events of today was pushed back far away in our minds.

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