~Chapter Fifty Five~ Skye~

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A few days later I stood at the window looking at the tower while Jamie was making himself ready for bed.
"You said, that Broch Tuarach meant north facing tower," I looked at Jamie. "Well he doesn't have a face since he is round,"
Jamie laughed. "Th' door is facing th' north mó ghrádh," he explained patiently.
"Well couldn't you call it the North facing door than?'' I asked and he laughed even more.
"No," he walked towards me. "We coudnae 'n' we wilnae dae it."
"Frasers," I laughed and he stept closer. "You know, I finally feel like I belong here."
He putted his hands on mine shoulder and turned me so I was standing with mine back against his chest. "Ah knew ye belonged 'ere, wi' me," he sat down on the windowsill. "A'maist sin th' foremaist time ah layed een eyes ye. That's one o' th' reasons ah 'greed tae mairie ye,"
"One?" I asked teasingly. "What where the others?"
"Th' main one wis fur ah wanted ye more than ah ever wanted anythin' in mah life." he pressed a kiss on mine lips. "Th' first ride tae leoch, whin ye slept, ye craweld closer tae mines chest 'n' made a wee noise. Th' identical noise, ah ken noo, ye mak' whin ye'r close," his hand moved from infront of mine body to the back. "That bonnie round arse wedged ticht atween mah thighs, God It teuk a' mines strenght tae nae tak' ye thare."
"So you married me for my arse and to have sex," I leaned against him and pressed mine arse closer to him, feeling how he hardend under his kilt.
"Aye, bit ah loved ye, whin ye wept in mines arms at Leoch th' first night." he confessed. "Bit noo, ah wake up every day, 'n' ah fin' that a'm loving ye mair than th' day afore." He had turnend me around and pressed a kiss on mine mouth.
I shortly broke lose to look at him. "I love you," and than I kissed him again as he picked me up and carried me to the bed.

I woke up the next morning in an empty bed, knowing that Jamie probably waked up with the Chickens that morning, I also stood up and dressed myself to find him or have breakfast.
As soon as I walked up the gallery I heared voices from downstairs and when I looked over the little fence I saw a group of men.
One of them, apperantly the leader, holding his gun at Jamie. He looked up and saw me.
"You'll be silenced as a lamb mine friend." he warned Jamie and I heared he was Scottish but his accent softend to English. "Or this lovely lass is scrubing your brains of the floor." Jamie also looked at me and mine hands tightend around th wood.
I wanted to run down and knock the gun out of his hands but I knew, I couldn't make it down in time before the bullet was shot and to jump down was a bit to risky.
As soon as Jamie pulled the attetion away from me I ran down, glad that I didn't put mine shoes on that morning.
One of the men stood for the staircase and I took mine Sgian Dubh out of mine stockings, softly I laid mine hand on his mouth and pressed the blade against his neck.
"Let Jamie go or you're going to miss a man," I threatend not knowing where I got the confidence.
Everybody looked at me and Jamie even suprised. I heared a click and I pushed the dagger closer to the neck right away.
"Taran pat that gun doon, that is mines cousin ye gowk," Jenny's voice interrupted and the man lowered the gun as I slowely losend the grip on the man infront of me. "Jamie MacTavish and his wife Madeleine,"
"Cousin?" He looked at Jamie. "Mine pardon to you, You have to understand mine caution, I never saw you here before."
"He cam unannoucent tae tell us he wis merrit," Jenny explained and I walked towards Jamie who quicky putted his arm around me and pressed me closer to his chest.
Only than I realised I was shaking.
"Madeleine, How come dinnae ye gang tae th' kitchen, wee Jamie 'n' Rabbie ur waiting fur ye," Jenny said and I knew she wanted to get me out of here for what ever was going to happen.
I nodded, The confidence I felt completley gone as I walked out of the living area towards the kitchen.
The kitchen was a big room under the house, with big ovens where bread was baking in and in the other the food for tonights dinner was cooking.
I didn't saw Wee Jamie or Rabbie but I walked over the kitchenmaid.
"Can I help you?" I asked kindly and she looked up.
"Aye, Cuid ye prepare th' ingredients fur th' cock-a-leekie brose," She smiled and I got the ingredients to start.
"THE WATCH JENNY!" I heared Jamie roar. "Christ!" Followed by some unpleasant words in Gaelic as he, Ian and Jenny entered the kitchen.
Both Jenny and Jamie yelled in Gaelic but stopped as Ian interrupted them.
Jamie sight and ran his hand trough his hair, than he spotted me. With two big steps was he infront of me. Took mine shoulders and shook me angry.
"'n' whit whaur ye think Skye?!" he roared in mine face. "That stunt o' yers, cuid baith hae kilt us. Christ wifie dae ye hae na brain at a'!!!?"
"Jamie. Let th' brassic lassie gang," Ian tried to interrupt again.
But Jamie turned around and snapped. "Mynd yer ain business Ian, lik' cleaning th' swords o' th' watch."
"Jamie stop shaking me or mine stomach fluid is going to paint your white shirt," I managed to bring out and he stopped.
"Christ," he repeated, turnend around and slammed on the table. "Christ."
"Ye think it hasn't taken an toll oan me 'n' Jenny? weel it haes. Bit tis oor burden tae bear." I was still suprised how calm Ian staid in every situation.
"I get the ingredients outside," I pointed to an empty bowl, picked it up and walked outside.
Even tho I knew it was also mine business now, I could better stay away from it for now.

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