~Chapter Fifty one~ Skye

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"Dae ye dram whiskey Greer?" Ian asked me as he broke the silence that was hangening in the livingroom.
"I like a glass or two," I smiled and took the glass from him. "Although I have the feeling, today it's gonna be more than one," Ian laughed as well.
"You're not English," he noticed. "Are you Irish?" I saw Jenny also looking curious at me.
"I'm Dutch, I ended here because mine ship shank." The story became easier to tell. "I met Jamie along the way when I was searching for savety."
Ian nodded and the silence returned until Jamie finally spoke.
"Whit happend wi' Randall? a'm waantin' tae ken," he looked at his older sister. "A'm needin' tae ken," he sounded desprated, he needed closure now and the only one who was able to gave him that was Jenny.
"Then ah will tell ye," Jenny walked to the chair next to Ian and sat down, as Jamie sat down next to me. I grabbed his hand and pinched in it for comfort even tho it wouldn't help much.
She began the story with her side of the story I already knew. Jamie was tight up in the archway while Black Jack beated him, at the same time two guards had hold Jenny between them, Jenny had fought against them, but she knew when she escaped or worked against them it would have cost Jamie' life.
So when Randall offered her his hand she took it and walked with him inside the house, up the stairs towards her room, all to protect her little brother so he wouldn't be killed.
I saw Ian froze and felt Jamie do the same as Jenny took a deep breath.
"Ah wanted tae smack him sae solid, bit his finger o' whin he forced it intae mines geggy bit ah coudnae," I saw her starting to shake when she tought about it. "He placed mines hand doon thare 'n' ah holded mines eyes closed bit he froced me tae keek at him, whin he wis distracted ah git th' vase that wis standing oan th' table next tae me. Smashed it acrossed his heid 'n' tried tae run. Bit he pulled me back 'n' threw me in th' corner,"
I wanted her to tell her she could stop telling it, I saw how hurted she was but I couldn't, Jamie needed this part of her story to let go his.
"Ah fought him. Jamie, ah did. Bit he dragged me by th' hair towards th' bed 'n' threw me oan it. As ah lay thare he stairted tae undress his-sel," She shiffered. "He staun thare fur a minute, rubbing his-sel, ah hadn't slept wi' a jimmy then, bit noo ah ken he wis trying tae mak' his-sel ready," Jamie turned his face away. "Ah turned aroond 'n' saw 'twas not working, Th' stupid side o' me desided tae laugh. He slapped me in the face, bit a' ah cuid dae wis laugh He then threw me against th' bedpole 'n' ah blacked oot," She looked at Jamie. "Whin ah woke up, he wis gaen. 'n' that wis th' lest a saw o' him,"
There was silence once more and I saw that Ian had heared the story for the first time as well. I softly laid mine hand on Jamie' shoulder which where tense.
"I think she deserves an apology," I said to him and everybody looked at me, some suprised and some shocked.
"This is atween mines brother 'n' me," Jenny said and I wanted to open mine mouth but Jamie stopped me.
"Kin ah see ye in private fur a moment?" He asked and helped me up. We walked towards the dinningroom and we stopped there. "A'm yer guidman, ye musn't embarres me infront o' mah fowk 'n' servants," He quickly shut the door.
"Well you are doing a fine job yourself," I fired back.
"Ye hae a pointy tongue, Skye." he said. "Bit ye cannae dae that 'ere, this is ma fowk, mah land.... 'n' mines time," he added. "A'm th' laird 'ere 'n' yer mines lady noo, 'n' we need tae adjust ourselfs tae oor title,"
"I'm not going to follow any order," I said and he laughed.
"Ah'ament expecting that fae ye.... Behind closed doors, ah ask ye noo dinnae dae it in public." I laughed as well.
"Fine," I gave in and we walked back to the livingroom.
"Urr ye planning tae stay?"Ian asked as we had sat down again.
"Aye," Jamie answered. "A'm expecting a pardon fae th' duke o' sandringham sae th' cost is hurled o' mines heid, tis nae thro' yit bit we ur haudin' hope," Jamie took mine hand.
Jenny didn't looked pleased so I decide to stood up, I felt dirty and I was in desprate need to clean myself. "Can I maybe get some water to wash myself?" I asked friendly, "And maybe a new dress, this was has been ripped."
"Aye, a certain Ailsa sent a chest fae leoch, wi' personal belonings in it fae ye guys," Ian said. "It's in the spareroom."
"Weel, if th' laird is returned he deserves th' master bedroom," Jenny said. "Shift oor hings tae th' north room," The servant walked away and felt guilty.
"I don't want to set you out of your room," I quickly said but Jamie pulled his arm around me.
"Seeing as it's the Laird's room, after all, I'll get the keys," Jamie letted me go and walked upstairs and I quickly followed him.

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