~Chaper Fifty four~Skye

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The next morning Jamie indeed woke up, after 4 hours of sleep, with an giantic hangover. He stood over the breakfast table, looking a bit green at his food.
"Here you go," with a loud sound I placed his cup of tea on the table and he groaned.
"Mo Ghrádh," was the only sound he produced when he felt back in to his chair.
"Well, you shouldn't have drink that much," I pressed a kiss on his head. "And also a revenge for waking me up and almost pushing me out of the bed when you where drunk last night." I smiled friendly but evil. "I'll be outside when you need me," I walked past Jenny who stormed angry into the room and as the door shut I heared her scream to Jamie and I smiled even bigger.
It was a warm late-summer's day and I enjoyed the sun on mine skin and face, The servants and the people who helped Ian on the land walked around. When they passed me, they stopped for a second, greeted me and then walked further.
Wee Jamie came running towards me and stopped. "Aunty Greer?" He asked as sweet as he could.
"What is it Jamie?" I smiled back.
"Wid ye lik' tae play with me?" I smiled and stood up.
"Ofcourse what would you like to play?" I asked and he thought deep and he reminded me so much of his Uncle right now.
Mine heart made a small jump and mine ovaries clenched together. I always wanted childeren on mine own and even tho I had said that I didn't want them in this time and with Jamie, mine mind was changed now.
"Tag, Aunty Claire," wee Jamie pulled me out of mine thoughts and I smilled.
"Okay you are him first," I gathered mine dress and started to "run".
Wee Jamie was quicker than I thought with his four years and he got me.
He started to laugh and ran away towards the fields and I followed him. Mine feets finding grip on the uneven terrain made Jamie even faster than he was in the Courtyard.
He rushed towards his father and hide behind him, Ian looked at his son with a smile and than at me as I stopped.
"Ian, have you seen Wee Jamie?" I asked innocent and I heared a small chuckle behind Ian' back.
"Na, haven't seen him," he played along with a bigger smile.
"Well then I guess he has won, I can't tag him if he is nowhere to be found," I sighed fakely and the young boy jumped behind his father.
"'ere a'm, aunty Greer," he laughed.
"Well you little fox, are you cheating?" I lifted him up and twirled him around as a sort airplane, like mine father had always done with me when I was around his age.
I stopped when I saw both Jamie and Jenny standig at the edge of the field. Both with big smiles on their face.
With wee Jamie on mine hip I walked towards them.
"Is there something?" I asked as Jamie took his nephew over.
"Th' watermill is broken, we ur gaun towards it." Jamie answered and I climbed suprisingly gracefull over the fence.
"Let me get mine stuff," I smiled and then walked inside.

Jamie took a look inside the mill as Jenny and I sat outside on the grass. Enjoying the sun.
"Yer gaud wi' weans," Jenny noticed. "Baith Rabbie 'n' wee Jamie likes ye,"
"Well I always loved childeren," I looked at Jamie who came outside, looked at the mill and than walked back inside. "Jamie is fond of his nephew as well,"
I saw Jenny look at me and then towards mine stomach. Mine periode was near so I was a bit bloated, making it look like I had an early pregnancy belly, even through the thick fabric of mine top.
"Dae yi'll waant childeren wi' Jamie?" she asked curiously.
"One day, when the price is lifted off his head." I answered and I saw Jamie walking towards us.
"Thare is something stuck under th' sluice. Ah will dive towards it." He told us and he started to get rid of his Kilt.
"What are you doing Jamie?!" I jumped up. "You can't swim naked here."
He smiled simply and kept his shirt on.
"Aye A can," he walked towards the wheel and start climbing down as Jenny said something not nicely in Gaelic.
Suddenly she froze and I looked at the direction she was looking at. Atleast ten Redcoats on horses came towards us, Jamie who just came up for air saw it as well and dived back while Jenny quickly pushed Jamie' kilt and weaponry under the picknick blanket.
"Keep silent, we dinnae waant thaim tae noo yer a foreigner," she orderd me and I kept mine mouth shut as she ordered, not that I could produce as sound on this very moment.
Mine throat was shut in fear.
"Good Morrow Ladies," the first redcoat said and Jenny smiled innocently to him.
"Goodmorrow," her voice sounded sweet. "If ye'r stopping for a poke o' meal. A'm feart ye'll be diasappointed. Th' mill wheel insae workin' juist noo,"
As she talked I quickly scanned the group. There where no familiar faces and I was glad for that.
"Oh," the soldier descended his horse. "What's amiss, then?"
"Yer should call yer master back," Jenny said to the young officer. "He shouldna meddle in things he doesna understand."
"You've not have to worry mistress." He assured her. "The Corporal's father had a wheat meal in Hampshire."
What he said afterwards I didn't hear. The Corporal was now looking at the wheel a few meters away from Jamie. My heart pounded in mine chest as I turned pale as well.
Just as the Corporal started to get himself rid of the clothing he was wearing the wheel started to move and I heared Jenny next to me breath out loudly.
"Look at that!" The Corporal shouted. "Wonder what was stuck in it?" He grabbed a piece of white fabric and I noticed it was Jamie' shirt.
He gave it to his officer, bid us farewell and left.
As soon as he was far away. I jumped up and ran towards the waterside.
"Jamie?!" I shouted softly and it took awhile but he came up. Covering his parts and saying something in Gaelic.
Jenny also came running -well not technically- towards the wateredge and swore back in Gaelic.
"Jenny, would ye please turn around," he ordered her. "I try to get out before mine cock snaps of,"
He turned his back towards us and I felt Jenny froze since it was the first time she saw his scars. With a small gagging sound she turned around and rushed away.

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