~Chapter Fourty Nine~ Skye

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Jamie said nothing, he was only shocked and I couldn't blame him.
"I know about The bonnie prince, the Jacobites and how doomed it is, because I read about it. I studied it, in mine own time," I continued. "That is why I know about the Duke of Sandringham," he still was silent. "Do you hear me?" I asked him.
"I hear ye," he looked away from me.
"You think I'm insane now," I said while tears ran down mine cheeks  "You probably wished you had letted me there to be burned like a witch."
"No," it came out softly and he looked at me. "No....... Skye," mine real name sounded so weird over his lips and in his accent. "I believe ye Mò Ghràdh," he had a loving smile on his face.
He stood up. "Sae, Ah dinna ken it a bit, nae yit.  Bit ah trust ye. Ah trust yer word, yer heart," he said and I was suprised and cried even more and he walked towards me to lay his hand on mine shoulder. "'n' sae whitevur ye tell me. Ah wull believe ye,"
He covered mine back a bit and we sat in silence for a while.
"Skye," he tried it again and sighed. "Kin ye tell me mair, aboot yerself?"
"I was an historian, specializing in the Scottish Highland history and folklore. I studied especially the Jacobite rising," I took his hand. "I did abandoned mine fiance because I didn't want to marry him, so I took some time off an traveled across the UK to gather more knowledge."
He looked at me and then nodded to encourag me futher.
"I stumbled upon the stones of Craigh Na Dun, just a few kilometers away from where you found me, the baird was right." I took a deep breath. "Touch it and you travel back in time, that's what's happend to me." And than it poured out of me like a waterfall.
I didn't realise how much I needed to tell somebody and Jamie was an patient  audience. Who asked questions from time to time.
"The Scot's aren't going to stand a change against the  Red coats, On the 16th of april 1746 at Culloden. 1500 highland men are going to lose their lives and it is the end of the Highland Clans as you know it now." I finished.
"Sae at th' glade, whin ah left ye tae catch up wi' horrocks. Ye ran away because ye whaur trying tae git back, to the stones and yer time?" he asked and I nodded. "Christ mò ghràdh, ah beat ye fur it," he was angry. Not on me but on himself. "A'm sae very, very sorry fur it,"
"Don't Jamie, you couldn't know it." I sobbed.
"Shhtt," he took me in his arms and pressed a kiss on mine hair and whispered something in Gaelic. "Rest now, No one will harm ye, A'm here."
I looked up at him and his face was watery like an oil painting where water had felt over. "Do you really believe me? Are you sure I'm not telling you an insane story because of the shock?"
He removed a string of hair out of mine face and again there was the loving look in his eyes. "Mò ghràdh, ah believe ye. Altough it wid be easier if ye whaur juist a witch," I couldn't help but smile.
He bended towards me and pressed his lips softly on mine. Pulled mine head against his chest and stroke mine hair.

Sexual content 😏😏😏😏
We rode the next day far and fast, to get away from Cranesmuir, the castle and the trail.
Jamie wouldn't stop talking about Lallybroch and I knew it was our end destination. He was sketching the future of us there and I listend at it with joy. But something in his voice told me he was holding something back.
One night I woke up, I felt the heat of the bonfire and the lips of Jamie pressing a soft kiss on mine lips.
Still in a slumbering stated I tought it was just a dream, but when I felt his hand moving up mine leg to go to the spot between it, I knew it was real.
As his finger worked his way around mine clit, I letted out a moan and looked at him.
He was staring back with so much adoration in his eyes. It lighted mine body up even more. His other hand was at the same time stroking mine face and lips, he bended his face down like he wanted to kiss me but as soon I was closed he pulled back.
"I want you inside me," I came up but he pushed me back adding more pressure down there.
"No, Mò Ghràdh, A want to look at ye," he smiled and than it became to much. Clinging myself on him, like a drowning woman on a piece of wood. As waves of pleasure tried to push me underwater. I closed mine eyes as I climaxed and I felt him smile as he pressed his lips finally on mine.

The next morning I thought about it as I washed myself in the river. I smiled again, feeling mine cheeks getting flushed.
"Sae, mò ghràdh, ur ye ready tae gang hame?" he asked from behind me and I turned around.
I stood up and walked towards him. "Yes, bring me home," I smiled and he holded out his hand which I gratefully took. He suddenly pulled me towards him and he kissed me like it was the last kiss we would ever share and it scared me.
"Take a look," he look at mine right and nodded. I slowly turned mine gaze towards it, I didn't saw anythinh. Only a hill.
Jamie nodded that I had to walk it up and I did it. Expecting to see Lallybroch I was shocked to see what it really was. Craig na Dunn.

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