chapter 7

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3rd Pov

"I give up, 'Bekah." Samia sighs sitting on her bed, Rebekah on her left combin through Mias wild curls.

"What's happened?" She sets the comb down, Mia turns to her.

"Nothing." She puts on a smile but Rebekah sees right through it.

"Okay," she decides not to question it.

"Girls we're leaving!" The two year Klaus yell from downstairs.


Making their way down Mia could practically feel Klaus' happiness as he hugged her tightly.

"I still need to breathe," She jokes.

"Right, off to the play we go."

They'd always been a slight tension between Klaus and Mia and only now could Mia recognise it.

Was it Lust? Love? She didn't know what but she knew it was there.

Sat on Klaus' right in the audience, she offers him a small smile; to which he kisses her softly on the cheek.

Rebekah takes notice of this and Elijah smiles at the love he could practically see in Klaus' eyes.

Elijah thought it was innocent, a peck on the cheek between two family members, but to Klaus it meant so much more.... And Rebekah could see that.

"Let the play begin!"

A/n quick update, howd u like it?

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