Joe Bob

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Hi!!! My name is Mimi Lakes and this is my Harry Potter fanfic for you guys and girls out there!

So as the summary says, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy will be traveling back in time along with some unexpected visitors... but be alert, this fanfic will have updates every 4 days (I will try my best). This is the first book in a trilogy. Further details will be given through status updates. And without further ado, let me present to you, Past Regrets.

Scorpius was pacing around in the dorm he shared with Albus, muttering to himself, "But.. this can't be possible... after the last incident no..."

"Scorp?" Scorpius jerked his head up as Albus ran up to him, "What's the problem?"

"You see... I was heading up to get something from my bed then this was just laying on it," Scorpius revealed his clenched hand and opened it to reveal a time turner.

Albus's eyes widened, "Scorpius, we should show it to McGonagall."

They exited the dungeons without trying to look too suspicious. Unfortunately, James and Rose were heading in their direction, talking to each other. Stiffening the boys tried not to notice them and continued walking away from them. 

In the end, it was inevitable. James and Rose saw then and were yelling at them to wait up. "Hand the time turner to me, you always act like a bumbling idiot when Rose is around." Albus teased Scorpius, nudging his elbow.

Mouth agape, Scorpius fumbled the time turner and it slipped out of its hands. By now James and Rose were already near them and before they could react they were slipping away and the four of them were carried away, far back into time...


As Snape called for antidotes, Harry knew what would happen. He would try to poison Harry, well wouldn't he like to? After all, Harry himself felt like shoving the poison down the greasy git's little —

A sudden portal swirling mid-air disrupted Harry's thoughts. The potions master leaned forward with interest, wand at the ready. It was a vortex of color, blinding light emerging from within it, the fourth-years cast each other wary glances and —

Two Slytherins came tumbling out. They landed on top of each other as everyone jumped in surprise. Snape's already permanent frown deepened and the boys got off each other grumbling.

"Scorpius, this is all your fault!"

"Well, Al, you were the one who nudged me."

"And I specifically remembered telling you not to call me Al!" The black-haired boy dusted his robes and shook his head.

When they lifted their heads everyone audibly gasped.

The first boy was practically a carbon copy of Harry, but without a scar and glasses, the second boy, he knew all too well. It was Draco Malfoy. But that wasn't possible as Malfoy was sitting across the room his eyes widening with shock.

The Harry double, the one called 'Al', pulled at the 'Scorpius's' sleeve. They tried to race towards the exit, but Snape had yelled Petrificus Totalus, and in a second, before Harry had time to react, the boys were sprawled on the floor groaning.

Snape walked to them triumphantly and narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Who are you?"

After recovering from the spell the first boy got up, setting his wand on the floor. "Um you see, my name is Joe Bob and —"

"I thought you're name was Al?" Harry piped up.

"Shut your insolent whining Potter," Snape looked back at the two boys who were reeling back in shock, "Now tell me, who are you? Otherwise, a bit of Veritaserum wouldn't hurt, would it?" He menacingly leered at the boys.

Hermione butted in, "But Professor, shouldn't we tell the Headmaster, since —"

"That goes for you too Granger and there is no need for that," with his wand still out, Snape began to reach for the nearest cabinet to get the Veritaserum.

The second boy's eyes flashed with understanding and he began to urgently tap his friend, then whispered into his ears. Ron, who had been silent for most of the time leaned towards Harry and mumbled, "At least he's not testing the poison on them..." However, Harry kept quiet and watched the two boys.

Whispers began to rise as Snape rummaged through the cabinets. Occasionally, people shot glances between Malfoy and Harry. By the time Snape found the potion, even Malfoy, oblivious as he was started to look suspicious of the two boys.

As much as Harry immensely disliked Slytherins, he couldn't help but pity them as Snape came closer and closer to them, leaving them no choice, but to drink the potion.

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