Some Light Reading...

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Ginny paced in her study mumbling, "No, no, no, we can't lose them again, we can't..."

Accompanying her were, Harry, Ron and the infamous Draco Malfoy, who, looked uncomfortable getting within a foot of the two angry redheads.

Hermione was busy searching the library for any information of how to bring them back and —

She burst through the door, startling every single member of the Worry Club. In her hands was a large ancient book covered in dust.

Slamming it onto the desk she said, "Honestly, I should have remembered this beforehand. I checked it out weeks ago to do some light reading."

Ron's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Light reading! Hermione, this is not light!"

Ignoring him, she continued flipping through the pages, "See!" She thrusted our the book for them to observe. Taking in their flustered expressions, she read the passage out loud. "The Fates, three ancient woman which have been rumored to have created the first Time-Turners known to wizards or witches, have been hunted down by many, to create more. After Harry Potter (turn to page 394) destroyed all remaining Time-Turners," she paused allowing time for Harry to look sheepish as Malfoy shot a glare at him, "in the Ministry in 1996 their whereabouts are unknown. They were last seen in America almost exactly nine years later, in 2005 in New York City at a bus stop. As this is only a rumor and seen only by one wizard by the name of Perseus Jackson (at that time was registered in Chiron's Academy of Magic) this information is unreliable and has been dismissed as fiction by the Ministry."

"And?" Harry added. "How will this help our kids?"

Hermione, as calmly as she could, took a deep breath and said, "If we could find the Fates, we could ask them to create a Time-Turner for us."

"One question," Malfoy said, "why the hell should we believe this rubbish? This is from years back and plus —"

"We should because it's the only thing that can save my children. Your kid as well. And their's," Ginny pointed to Ron and Hermione, "We have one chance, we already lost communication with them!" She fired back angrily.

"What I'm trying to say," Malfoy gritted his teeth, "is that there is another way." Harry was desperately trying to hold back Ginny from aiming her wand at Malfoy.

Hermione, looking put off prodded him on, "Go on."

"Since, Potter here destroyed all the Time-Turners in his fifth year, I specifically remembered the kids telling us that they're in his fourth-year, not fifth, fourth."

Ron spoke up, breaking the silence, "He's right." Everybody turned to him surprised. "If they can get Dumbledore to supply them with just one Time-Turner they can come back."

Sighing, Hermione stepped forward, "Are you forgetting that those Time-Turners cannot allow the user to travel through years? This one did."

"Fine." Draco plopped down on the couch in defeat, "What's the plan?"

A tad bit short... 499 words. Did you like the reference for all you Percy Jackson fans out there? Yes. I am aware you angry Harry Potter friends who haven't read Percy Jackson/the Heroes of Olympus (I siriusly recommend it, it's amazhang) will not get the reference, but it's okay. Just think of Percy (aka Perseus if you didn't know that, Percy's his nickname) as a random wizard who has a secret.

Please write some comments, I feel lonely.

Last Edited (I'm going to do this now): May 27, 2019

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